I've changed so many characters' names so many times I can barely remember who is who.
I got Rinn away from the ghost, but then remembered a thousand yet unaswered questions. Which means I can either throw her back in there and do it right, or blow it off and save it for revisions. I'm leaving toward #2.
This is my first attempt at urban fantasy. It shows.
Part of me thinks this is so Utterly Awesome because I can't think of anything else like it out there. The other part of thinks...this is your first attempt at urban fantasy and it shows.
I need a creepy, memorable ending. If you guys have read my other two books you know I don't slap a bow on at the end. Tidy endings have their place, but not in my stories.
I wish I could make this a series.
eldheni and I discussed this last night. I think :
a) I'm too lazy to commit myself
b) how many ghosts can one town have?
c) it would be very difficult b/c of the unique nature of Rinn. Too much going on with her that I'd have to drag into a sequel, which leads me back to--
d) I'm too lazy
Also, although I know it'll be months before this project can even be read by my agent, I'm already thinking ahead to my novel, one even more ambitious than this one because it'll involved very detail *gulp* research.
My choices of a PWG are to simply begin the revision process on Feb. 1st whether or not I'm satisfied (or even hit) the end. Or do a synopsis, chapter outline, polish a few chapters, and send it off and hope for the best. Maybe it's better to get an agent's "feel" for this before I commit myself to months of revision and then have to throw in the towel, the way I did with Linnea.
I think I'll ask.