Well, I’ve gone about as far as I can go with my current chunk of revisions and I’m expecting another pile tomorrow, via FedEx. I was in a mild state of mourning for several days because I had to kill off a much-beloved character. OK, he wasn't all that beloved, and I technically didn’t “kill” him off--I just combined him with another character to speed up the first half of the book. And “speed”, come to think of it, might be a wee bit of an exaggeration; I did knock off a few thousand words, but not enough to make that much of a difference yet.
I jumped ahead with the editing, but paranoia set in: What if I start slashing away at things that need to be left alone? What if I spend too much time revising sections that will only be cut later? So I’m cooling my jets, and I'll just wait for the delivery guy tomorrow. Editorial comments from Jill to follow via email.
Tonight, a spaghetti dinner, garlic rolls, maybe a nice glass of vino, and then early to bed (after American Idol, of course).
Il domani è un altro giorno!
I cheat. I use the translator: