So after my locked-down meltdown, I figured I should mention something GOOD--but could only come up with 2 things:
1. I got to talk to
sookie06--twice!--who is visiting from Finland. I met her, of all places, in a NaNo forum a couple years back and we've become good friends. It's too bad we live half a world apart, not that it stops us from "hanging out." :)
m_stiefvater --brilliant author of
LAMENT --mentioned Say the Word on
her blog today. Thank you, Maggie!
~Currently awaiting something else "good" to happen~
...Seems unlikely.
Self: Snap out of it!
Real Self: Stop nagging me.
Self: Pity party is over. Go do something constructive.
Real Self: I'm going to work today. Isn't that constructive?
Self: Are you sure you're working today? Are you really, REALLY sure? Cuz you have a tendency, you know, to forget what day it is.
Real Self: You're not helping.
Self: I'm not here to help.
Real Self: Then shut up.
Self: You shut up!
Real Self: You shut up--infinity!
Do you ever argue with Your Self? Like, endlessly?