Apr 27, 2006 18:20
june until may: i want a huge tootsie roll.
klenaleann: someone needs to have a party.
klenaleann: hahahah
june until may: that would just make my fucking day.
klenaleann: i say someone needs to have a party and you're like.. i want a tootise roll.
june until may: wishful thinking!
klenaleann: haha. yes.
klenaleann: i had tootsie rolls in my easter bag
june until may: i got a little container of the original ones
klenaleann: i had those chunky ones that look like logs of poop.
klenaleann: they were good.
june until may: i love those!!!
june until may: those are the best!
june until may: there's something about them. they taste better
klenaleann: it's because they look like poop
klenaleann: and you don't expect them to be that good
klenaleann: but they are..
klenaleann: they are so large and you get all that spit coming out of your mouth
klenaleann: it's an enjoyable experience
june until may: i never put the whole thing in my mouth.. lol
june until may: i just eat it section at a time
june until may: you put the whole poop log in your mouth
klenaleann: maybe i do.