Round the wheel of the year we go...

May 12, 2010 17:46

And so another Beltane has passed, and we all made it through - whew! This one was a bit sticky... it's been a rough year for everyone, and none of us were in the best emotional state by the time we got there- lots of stress this spring! Processing through all of that junk and picking out the gems to hold onto for the new year is the whole point of it though, so on we go, and this year promises to hold good things indeed.
We're still doing magick for the new OAO temple house and waiting for it to manifest - a benefactor, an investor, a winning lottery ticket. ^.^ Turns out Schmaus built another house up the hillside, equally beautiful (though not quite as uniquely suited for temple-dom)... there are a couple of people in our community who might buy that piece (13.3 acres) and run the OAO B&B and camping grounds, as well as having prime spots for gardens and orchards and such. Also, since the house has now been on the market for more than a year, the price was lowered 100 grand. Besides, our source on the inside tells us that the real estate agents at the office are already referring to it as "the goth house". >.> So that's a good sign, right?
In the meantime, we've redoubled our efforts to get our shit together this year for real, guys. We have several awesome guests coming to visit us this summer, some of whom positively make me swoon, and besides, if you don't do the work with your magick, then you don't get the carrot. OAO schedule of events is coming out soon - it's a doozy! Lots of exciting things on the docket this year, and we'll be more active than ever with public and private circles, monthly cottage crafts, and more! We're also opening our booth at the people's market this month, and hopefully vending at a couple of extra festivals if we're really on top of things. At the very least, we'll be making an appearance at Hempfest and Love Your Mother Earth, I believe.
T&B Baking is still going strong - has now officially paid our rent for a couple of months running - so send us your good juju and help us stay strong to get used to the new schedule; it's gonna be grueling in the beginning, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :-D We're gonna be invincible.
Speaking personally, I plan to really focus on the comic this year - Madu and I are taking the full year to design the world from big bang to the space age, so wish us luck, lol. We've made a pretty good start already, and I've already drawn a lot of the initial maps and noted cultural movements, geographical features, etc.; it's just a matter of filling in the gaps in a more deliberate order so it's all consistent. If anyone knows of any good map-making software, let me know (especially if it's free/inexpensive)! I've been on the lookout for a planet-simulation program, but so far I've had no luck locating one worth its salt.
After all of that business, though, I think scripting and design will be pretty quick into storyboards at last!

But first, it's time for spring cleaning! We're moving this summer one way or another - the temple house is too small, and having two households is no longer feasible, so we're on the lookout for a rental if the Schmaus doesn't come through in time. Time to go through everything I own and get rid of the ballast of my life; no more dragging useless baggage around. If we're going to manifest the temple we want, we're going to have to earn it - this is a year for kicking old habits and remembering how young and strong we are still!
(Forgive my optimism. I'm going to need it, because I'm determined to see it through this year.)

beltane, temple, schmaus, oao, schedule

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