Perhaps fear is a good thing in some circumstances

Oct 11, 2008 00:08

Hmm.. I tend to be fearless is some situations that others are fearful in. Like job interviews, Im not scared, I know that if I am supposed to get the job I will, and if I dont, they are just missing out on having me as a part of their team. Also walking through dark alleys at night, ar even taking RIPTA past night fall. Some people just freak out at the thought, and sure there are some creepers on RIPTA at night, Its not going to keep me from going where I need to go. Another situation that I have no problem with- is meeting people IRL for the first time. MY roommate cant handle the idea, where as I just kinda go with the flow. Im not going to meet serial killers or something, just people who I chat with online as friends. I can give multiple examples of how I randomly met someone online and then we met in person and continued the same friendship. I know this might sound creepy, but really, its the twentyfirst century, online is a major player these days, so I dont care if you judge me. There is so much bad publicity about weird old men stalking little girls and the predators that lurk. Sure thats true. But the majority of people, I just dont buy it. If someone has a myspace and a facebook, and has multiple friends, pictures, and legit comments, now thats pretty hard to fake.  Plus its basically easy to see if what they say matches what they have on these sites. Now sure, they could take on the identity of some random facebooker, but if you then add them on facebook and they add you back, and comment you.. yeah not fake.  So I think everyone should try it. Check out meetup online- a site that lets you join interest groups of people and hang out with them (there are groups for people who like to play board games, hike, eat mexican food, and for people who are new to an area). I am in a group that helps new people get aquainted to the area. Another site that is cool is, basically more for travellers, but there are groups you can go hang out with fellow travellers in an area. There are also  other kinds of online communities that you can join- whether for dating, friendship, or maybe someone who is a mom and wants to find play dates.

Although, sometimes my lack of fear could be a bad thing. But... oh well. I play it safe playa. 
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