Dude, Im so pUmPeD uP for the Philosophy Club next year. O man, I'm so happy. Ellina wanted to start one for a while so I helped her a little bit and now Mr Stern is gonna be the advisor for us, etc. and its going to become a reality. If you see him in the hallways tomorrow thank him... he's the best, and hes only giving me a B on that freshman research thing I defiantly should have failed.
Today was cool. I just got back from the Chorus Concert. It was amazing. They did my favorite music in the world - Chicago and Les Mis. I am so glad Im gonna be in chorus next year and not band.
Last night for the band concert I wanted to see how much I could piss off Mr J cause I cant stand him or Mr Reed and so I wore all this stuff I Prolly shouldnt have. I wore a pink bandana, green undershirt, excessive eyeliner, sunglasses, and cons. The only thing they made me remove was my sunglasses and Mr J wasnt pissed at all, in fact my mom was talking to him and he said Im a FRUITING PLEASURE to have in class and my dress isnt that much of a problem. That makes me furious, really, really furious.
fave thing that happened today: Chorus & Philosophy
prayer request: eventually finals .:wince/spaz:.
First job: Camaratas... family friends I was 10?
First screen name: geekazoid700 hahaha
First funeral: 3rd grade in FGCS
First pet: Howard used to have about 200 fish in the den
First piercing: ears
First kiss: 1-23-4
First enemy: Deb I guess...
First favorite musician: Lori
Last car ride: Allies mom home from LHS last night :D
Last kiss: 5-1-4
Last library book checked out: i dont remember... prolly something i needed for school, though...
Last movie watched: The Producers
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: shrimp and rice and broccoli
Last phone call: an hour ago... i missed it though cause i was at the chorus thing
Last time showered: last night
Last CD played: that yellow mix i have with brandnews old stuff and all that junk
Last website visited: LJ... Im addicted