Plaid is Endangered!

May 06, 2004 22:38

WARNING: PLAID IS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES! THIS WEEK WAS NATIONAL PLAID WEEK (in the nation of my mind) AND TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY. GO OUT WITH A BANG. SHOW YOUR PLAIDISH PRIDE! and if you cant find any plaid mug your little old neighbors and use the money to buy some from thrift...
I think my announcement is too late... but those of you who read this and do not act on it will be forced to wear the latest non-plaid, black hardtail pants most people should find offensive... FOR A WHOLE FRUITING WEEK! So there... i believe that is adiquate punishment if you ignore the request of the Goddess of Plaid and all that is out of style - yours truly. actually... i dont think that highly of myself... but im defiantly someone important in the plaid campaign for outspokeness agaist "fashionable clothing"

fave thing that happened today: listening and watching pre pubescent children hit higher notes than i can without even wearing deoderant! (MPMS chorus/orchestra thingy)
prayer request: SAVE THE PLAID!
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