(no subject)

Aug 15, 2008 12:30

I'm in my new place in reservoir now, it's good but feels a bit isolated but that's more to do with me being anti social for the last year or so. My cousins place in brunswick is like ten mins away and my brothers place is like five and it's like 7mins to work which is a plus. The parents place has it's auction on sat and if they get a buyer i'll have to spend a bit of time moving the remaining bit and pieces over to my place including my torana.

I'm busy at work, the shows start up in a few weeks. I'm currently in the process of building a sink and cupboard unit for the first play, using it as a bit of a dry run for something i want to build myself for home. I also have to find time to finish rigging and getting paperwork for a lecture I'm help some students run next on stage use, stage management and tech options etc.
I need to make/source a number of prop rifles and also source some scaff for the another play. Hopefully i'll also have time by next year to make a set of oh&s guidelines and get training procedures origanised for everyone who uses the spaces.
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