I'll post this message here just in case some still lurk and aren't on Facebook or Twitter.
L.A. area friends - Sarah and I will most likely (still sorting airfare) be in the Los Angeles area February 16-21 for a Doctor Who convention (I'm an invited guest). While we'll be staying at the LAX Marriott (where the con is) I hope to rent a car (or at the very least have a friend drive us around).
We arrive, most likely, late on that Wednesday. The con doesn't start until Friday morning. So Thursday we were hoping to see some of the easier-to-see sites (or at least the ones I remember how to drive to), and maybe hit the Citywalk at Universal.
Last time I was out there, we went to
Yamashiro for those that were there/remember. I really want to take Sarah there, more for the view than anything.
Thursday nigh dinner, anyone? Probably should make reservations, but I'll take care of that once we're out there.
If Thursday is terrible, there might be the possibility of Friday night, but it would have to be later, as I've got to be at opening ceremonies at 6pm, and that lasts for about an hour.
If any of you are interested in the convention itself, it's called Gallifrey One -
http://www.gallifreyone.com/. You can click that link for a look at the guests. It's currently $70 for a 3-day pass (it'll be $75 at the door) but they apparently will do individual days as well.
If you're interested in just dinner (sorry, I'm not paying - this trip will probably do us in for a while), hit me up at info [a] onegemini.com.