For those who don't have [me on] Facebook nor follow my blog (shame! ;]~ ) I'll cross-post this to keep you caught up on what's been going on...
Hey all,
Some cool stuff around the web making me feel pretty swell about my run on Doctor Who (in addition to the awesome Felicia Day and Pete Woods comments I received earlier -- see
my last blog entry);
First off, a slightly spoilery video review from
Cammy's Comic Corner, where Doctor Who #9 made the Fast Five Picks; just like an episode of Doctor Who. I had so much fun with it. The art looked great, the story was fun... Highly enjoyable stuff. I highly recommend it to all you Doctor Who fans.
Here's a link to the vid -
CLICK (It's the second video on the page, and comes after the Batman #697 review.)
Next up, a 4/5 Done In One Review from;
...I also really like Blair Shedd's art. It's a different sort of look for this title, but it works well and it's a step up from some of the other artists who have contributed in the last eight months.
The link to the review is here -
CLICK (You'll have to scroll down a little.)
Finally, another 4/5 review from
Comics Bulletin. There are some head-swellingly-nice comments in here;
...Shedd's illustration suits Tennant's thin as a rail antics, and Shedd neatly creates likenesses and forms that match what's seen on the series.
The link to the review is here -
CLICK And there you have it. If you have the issue, let me know what you think. I've gotten some great feedback from deviants on this, as well as these awesome comments above. I feel #10 is an even stronger issue, so perhaps we'll get some of those 4/5 issues up to 5/5, yeah?