(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 17:35

JyaShinGyoMa: My loooooooooove
JyaShinGyoMa: come back to meeeeee
JyaShinGyoMa returned at 1:24:35 PM.
taimatsuko: oops. sorry kei..
JyaShinGyoMa: yay D
JyaShinGyoMa: XD8
taimatsuko: oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! i was just sexually harassed by the mcdonalds guy!
JyaShinGyoMa: EWW!
JyaShinGyoMa: wha thappened?
taimatsuko: so like....i go in to order right? and like the guys all..... "hey....... i can help you over here."
taimatsuko: so i go over and he's all do you remember me? and i'm all "uh, yes?" cause he did look familiar.
taimatsuko: turns out he also works at a dennys i freqent. anyways, he's like totally leering at me all like it's sooo nice to see you again baybee. and i'm like yeah.... can i order?
taimatsuko: and he's like suuuuure. i'll give you anything you want....
taimatsuko: ew. so then i'm like..... i'll have a caramel sundae..... and he's like..... we could make one.......
taimatsuko: ew. so then i'm like uh, sure a caramel sunday with nuts. and he laughs this totally perferted laugh. and i'm like oh my gosh. i'm being word raped my the mcdonalds guy.
taimatsuko: so he's like 1.08. and i'm fumbling for the cash cause this is totally embarassing and his coworkers are staring at us and i dropped some of the change and he's like "i see your droppin' dimes" and i'm like thinking i don't know what ghetto speak that is but i totally bet that it was sexual.
taimatsuko: so he's like.... here's you sunday..... WITH NUTS. i made it extra special and he hand it to me all touching my hand and leering. i totally ran out of there.
taimatsuko: ew!!!!!
JyaShinGyoMa: okay, dont go to denny's anymore XD I forbid you to!
JyaShinGyoMa: Dimes.. well, it's not a slang
taimatsuko: isn't that illegal!!!!!!! oh my gosh.
JyaShinGyoMa: but dimes is 1000 dollars in bet
taimatsuko: oh......
JyaShinGyoMa: like.. i bet one dime
JyaShinGyoMa: means i bet 1000 dollars
JyaShinGyoMa: ... but you dont gamble, so you shouldnt know this
taimatsuko: and you know this how......
JyaShinGyoMa: XD Boy meets World!!
JyaShinGyoMa: Disney channel is very educational

and on a related note i would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to watch this :

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