User Name/Nick: Kimtoo
User LJ: A_proclivity
AIM/IM: Hand in a Flame
E-mail: Aproclivity at gmaildotcom
Other Characters: Martha Jones, Miss Parker, Persephone
Character Name: Remus Lupin
Series: Harry Potter
Age: 38
From When?: After he dies in the battle of Hogwarts.
Inmate/Warden: Warden. Remus Lupin is a good man through and through.
Item: His wand.
Handy dandy magic link Personality: Remus Lupin is a good man through and through, as I've described him above. He's a person who is incredibly caring and thoughtful to his friends. Lupin's loyal to a fault, even going so far as to not really interfere in behavior that he personally finds questionable, such as bullying of Severus Snape by the other members of his core friends group, the Marauders. However, his loyalty is tempered by his fear. The fact that Remus Lupin became infected as werewolf so early in life taught him about discrimination. He was forced to cope with the fact that in the world he belonged to, because of something he had no control over, he was considered to be subhuman.
Because of the difficulty he has in making friends, Remus is exceptionally hesitant to do anything to upset the balance among them. Further, because the discrimination is so bad, he is equally worried about doing anything that would upset people's trust in him. This is especially true of people like Dumbledore. Remus Lupin would rather not give out important information that could lead to the capture of Sirius Black, thus leaving Harry's life in danger than admit that he betrayed Albus's trust all those years ago.
This is a cowardly act, and Remus himself admits it. When he is worried about his werewolf nature, he does a retreat. Remus does it at least three times that we are aware of: he doesn't stop bullying he knows is wrong, he doesn't betray Albus and when he's worried that the child he impregnated his wife with may be a werewolf, he feels from her and the shame he feels he's brought on her by getting involved with him in the first place. In order to make up for that, he decides to abandon her and go with Harry, in order to help him and probably die nobly saving Harry in the attempt.
Despite the cowardliness of leaving a pregnant wife alone, Remus believes that dying to protect Harry is a noble thing. He believes that it's the right thing to do so that he doesn't dishonour her more. Remus believes that doing this in the memory of James and Lily and Sirius and Albus and Mad-Eye and everyone else the Order lost is the right thing, and literally the only worthwhile thing he can do. When Harry calls him a coward, Remus is completely dejected because all of the grandeur has been blown of his plans by the one person whom Remus hopes will believe in him when he can't believe in himself.
In stressful circumstances, Remus is normally calm. He keeps his wits about them when other people lose them. He is the sort of person who is there to help everyone else around him pick up pieces. For example, despite his best mate's death, Remus keeps calm enough to stop Harry from attempting to follow Sirius beyond the veil, and then he attempts again to stop him from chasing after Bellatrix and doing something he knows will be awful. However, he can lose his cool, and when he does most of his good sense goes out the window. When Harry accuses him of being a coward, he loses his temper and calm, and acts in an attacking fashion, and it then happens again when he comes aboard the barge to find Severus Snape here.
The anger around Severus Snape comes not only from the betrayal that he feels was made in the murder of Albus Dumbledore (Remus's arrival comes from before the truth about Snape's allegiances has become known) but from the fact that as far as he knows, Albus Dumbledore was wrong to place his trust in Snape. The questioning around trusting Dumbledore's trust leads Remus to question whether the trust that was placed in him is misguided as well. It is the same sort of anger and distrust that spurned him to want to kill Peter Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack. There is no doubt that he would have gone through with the murder in order to avenge his friends, though later on he would have felt remorseful with it; in spite of the anger, Remus Lupin is not a cold-blooded killer, even though the wizarding world suspects him as such.
Despite the way Remus is around his werewolf-ness and trust issues, when it comes to every day life, Remus is in general a well-adjusted individual. Yes, his lot in life is hard, but he deals with it with humor and grace. In spite of the way that Remus's old world can treat him, he is still an incredibly kind and generous man. He's generous with his time in the way that he reaches out to his students. Yes, he reaches out to Harry because of the connection to James and the way that he believed failed them, but the fact that most other students in school (with the exception of Draco Malfoy and his clique) all thought he was brilliant and "the best teacher ever" meant that he connected with at least some of them on a personal nature. He cares deeply about his students, and friends and will stand up to people for them. He shows this in the way that he stands up to Snape on Neville's behalf, and then even when Hermione is threatening him, he takes the opportunity to tell her that she's "the cleverest witch of your age I've ever met."
The compliment that he gives her is one that shrewd, because Remus knows people. He sees through people in very uncanny ways. While this particular example of her needing it seems fairly obvious (during her exams, Hermione failed her boggart test by not being able to face McGongall telling her that she'd failed everything. In this instance, she didn't fail what could be considered one of the larger tests of her life: figuring out what was going on in that scenario.) Remus also does it with Neville, working on trying to get him to be brave.
The shrewd nature is joined with the fact that he's very clever. Remus sees through into the hearts of issues, and he deconstructions them before he attempts to put them back together. That is not to say that he sees people as puzzles or anything, but instead he pictures people's problems as puzzles and he wants to think of how best to fix them. It is because of this that people like Harry seem to think that he can read people's minds. He can't; Remus Lupin doesn't have any of that ability.
Because he sees people as people and not problems, and because he is aware of how he, himself, can do incredibly stupid things, Remus is really forgiving of a person. That's not to say it's a blind forgiveness; when Remus finds someone doing something he doesn't approve of, or something dumb, he will definitely inform them of this fact. (A good example of this is Harry and the Marauder's Map in PoA). He will also forgive them for doing it, and the act is forgotten.
In general, Remus is very goodhearted. He's not the sort of man who becomes easily angered, and he doesn't hold grudges. Even with people whom he dislikes, Remus will remain calm and pleasant with them, using common curtsey in order to foster a good working environment. While he is aboard the Barge, he's going to be using that to the best of his ability.
The Admiral has warned him that there will be people whom knew him there, and because of that, he's going to expect that what this means is that people knew of his furry problem. He's going to be very surprised to find out just who is there, firstly and secondly, he's going to be incredibly surprised to find out that there are books about Harry and his life. DEspite the personal nature of such stories, Remus is going to be a bit amused and flattered by them. He's going to view it as the telling of a good story, because it was a good story.
However, he's going to be surprised by seeing Snape, as above. The ideal of rehabilitating people is all well and good, but it's going to be a shock to see people whom he personally knew and didn't feel he deserved it. This opinion on Snape will change (eventually) but if Remus hears about Grindlewald, he's going to be a bit boggled by it. Though once the initial shock wears off, Lupin will be all for it. Unless Voldemort shows up. Then all bets are off.
Remus's warden style is going to be very much like the educator he is. Even when he's under stress, Lupin acts as if he's in a class room, asking questions about what's going on, attempting to help the person he's responsible for to figure out the answer on his own. He will very rarely become angry with his inmate for something that they've done, but he will definitely be very disappointed in them.
Also, because Remus is making his deal for Teddy to have Dora back, he will be a bit concerned with timing; he wants her not to have missed anything about their son's life. That's not to say that he would rush someone, but he's going to be anxious over time when he is not assigned to an inmate.
Handy dandy wiki link Sample Journal Entry: [5-10 Sentences] [Video entry]I'm to understand that some of you are going to have heard of me. [Remus smiles quickly but thinly, and he waves to the camera for a moment, attempting to hide the fact that he's not in his cabin. For those people with sharp eyes, they can see that the pillow case and bedding seems to be consistent with the ones in the infirmary.]
My name is Remus Lupin and you'll need to excuse my little outburst there. There are things that were not explained to me and that was one of them. I am deeply sorry for what happened with Warden Severus Snape, and I will be apologizing to him in person as soon as I receive the clearance to leave here. [Despite having things explained to him, he really doesn't seem to believe in Snape's innocence all that much.]
So, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you, especially my new inmate.
Sample RP: As soon as Lupin had arrived, he'd headed to deck. The Admiral had told him that the ship traveled among the stars, and he'd paid enough attention in his Astronomy classes to know that the stars that he were seeing weren't any that could be found in the world that he had just left.
Thinking about it made him frown, and something in his chest tighten. If he looked down hard enough, he could almost see a tiny palm closing about his finger, holding on tightly for dear life as his son giggled and the hair colour on his head shifted from a bright purple to blue to the sandy tones that Remus's had been before time and stress had bled the colors from his hair.
He was doing this for Teddy; Remus was doing this so that his son didn't need to grow up as an orphan, so that he would have more than just relatives to care for him. He was doing this so that Dora's fool hearty actions wouldn't leave him so that he was alone in this world with just Andromeda and Harry to look over him.
If Harry lived. Remus needed to trust in the boy that he'd watch become a man, he needed to trust that Dumbledore had given him a plan in order to defeat Voldemort and restore order to the wizarding world. It was odd to think that the taboo of the name wouldn't be able to reach him here. Leaning against the railing and hooking his foot below the lowest rung, he tried it, whispering expectantly. "Voldemort."
Then he waited. He waited for the unmistakable popping sound that accompanied a person when they Apparated. For a moment there was nothing and the tension started to slip down from his frame. But then he saw something unmistakable: the black sweeping bat cloak of Severus Snape. Anger filled him. Anger and rage with the fact that Severus Snape of all people was here. Snape killed Dumbledore; he'd betrayed all of the trust that the man had in him and he'd killed him.
With a snarl of rage, Remus Lupin pulled his wand from his sleeve. Despite his anger, despite the bitterness over Severus being alive and safe at Hogwarts while Harry was on the run, Remus simply couldn't curse him at his back; he was no death eater. "Severus Snape!" He shouted, and his intention was clear in his tone. "Draw your wand."
Special Notes: Remus will be on a current earth rotation with his werewolf timing. However, once Severus brews him his potion, then he will take it and be all safe curled up in his room. This is cleared with Rycca.