Boston Ballet, Indiana Jones, and party

May 23, 2008 00:10

On May 18, miyaeb and I went to watch the Boston Ballet perform "Three Masterpieces" at the Wang Theatre, consisting of Bach's Concerto Barocco (George Balanchine's choreography), Mahler's Kindertotenlieder (Anthony Tudor's choreography), and Philip Glass' In the Upper Room (Twyla Tharp's choreography). This was my first ballet, and I found it a great program in terms of exposing me to current interpretations of ballet (versus the 'traditional' Russian form that often comes to mind). I was enthralled by the amount of strength pulled tight into precise graceful movements, and enchanted by tense control each gesture upheld. Even with an oft-heard piece (Bach's), the dancers were able to weave into and rejuvenate the music. The Kindertotenlieder interpretation was surprisingly moving, and the folkish element somehow worked. I have never been particularly enthused regarding Philip Glass, but the constant energy the dancers maintained throughout the piece (I mean come now, the same tuba note nearly every half step for, what, ten measures?) was stunning. Applause between the movements and sneakers (with grey-striped baggy trousers) were a bit jarring, but overall I think my first foray into ballet has made me curious for more. It is such a supremely controlled strength in an art form that I must take a closer look.

My former thesis advisor invited me to go watch the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with much of the Harvard Archaeology wing. The company was great, and our Mesoamerican professor has debunked the existence of the languages used, but the film was...well, let's just say we can easily deduce that George Lucas had a hand in the writing. Lots of fedoras in the crowd, though, and several professors brought their families. The good thing about watching Indiana Jones with archaeologists is that many of us cringe at the same time, and not because of the bad writing. At least they acknowledged the grave robbing this time around.

My HAA 1 TF also hosted a party tonight, where I met other grad students of different disciplines, and felt sort of like an adult, going to a shindig where I only knew two or three people but managed to make friends and have good conversation with total strangers who were connected in manifold and interesting ways. It also had the feel of young academics getting together and being young but not too young to deal with the world. I never feel quite like myself in law school, and it's good to sink back into my skin every once in a while. Perhaps this shall pass, like all things new, but for now I'll dip my toes in the pool of people with keen directions until I find my own.

Tomorrow, lunch with MCS, then juiceino007 arrives to stay until Sunday, and suchire arrives early Saturday morning. Hopefully Saturday will be watching Iron Man (at last, at last!) with MCS, suchire, juiceino007, and bagricula. Sunday is the big drive-down to Princeton with suchire for the summer. Yikes, that means I ought to pack!


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