"Au contraire, Mahatma, hate to rain on your parade..."

Sep 10, 2004 20:12

It's the little things in life, isn't it? I mean, those big things matter a lot, but the little things seem to mean so much more in those small situations. Why am I sounding so weird? Well, today I called Kristina and her mom picked up. She told me that Kristina was at her friend's birthday party (which I knew, but had some sort of false hope that she would still magically be home). Then her mom asked me how I liked my new school. I said I liked it a lot. Then she said bye. In case you missed it, I had a semi-conversation with Kristina's mom, a woman who, no matter how many times I meet/talk to on the phone, I have been scared of for the passed 2 years. A woman who caused a lot of trouble in my life both directly and indirectly (well, never REALLY directly, but sometimes less indirectly than other times). The fact that she asked me how I liked my school kind of made me feel good. I mean, it's not like I didn't know that she was a normal human being, but being able to experience is something beyond knowledge. It made my day, oddly enough.

Today is the day of the Immaculate Heart (Kristina's school) welcome dance, but I didn't go because Kristina didn't. I mean, what would I have done? She wanted me to because she wants to believe that I'm capable of having fun. Really? What would I do at a dance? I'd cling to the few people that I knew, and most likely they'd be people that I hate. Then I'd meet a few new people and either be uncomforable or obnoxious. You decide what's better. If the slight chance that a girl would ask me to dance (because I would never ask anyone to dance unless good music was on, and I mean good, and I was in a good mood), I would probably refuse, even though Kristina told me it was okay. It isn't okay. I don't want to be at her school dancing with girls without her. I'd rather be sitting here, writing about how I don't want to do that. Either way she'd be on the mind, and at least this way I don't have as many distractions. So here I am.

I'm not wasting this day away. I'm going to see Night of the Living Dead at midnight tonight, which is killer sweetness. I've never seen it, so it's even double as exciting for me as it is for Chris, who highly recommends it to me. I'm all dressed up... not for anyone to see, but just dressed in clothes that make me happy for actually doing something. I'm wearing my favorite pants (the new ones I got 2 weeks ago) and a beige polo shirt that kind of goes with 'em. I kind of look like a golfer. Anyway, I only care about my clothes because I've been wearing the same clothes for like a whole year, so wearing my new clothes excites me a bit.

Last December I discovered how sa-weet bowling was. Chris and I decided that we would go bowling like once a week for fun and stuff... then I fractured my wrist in January... fast forward to June. We went bowling with my cousin when he came to visit. Then we went bowling in Texas and I sucked (I mean, beyond suck... prepare to laugh... I got an 11 on one game... that's BARELY more than one pin a frame for fuck's sake!). Then, Chris and I went bowling like 2 weeks ago and had a buttload of fun. It kicked. And I got a little better (I think I got like a 46). Still pretty suck. Well, last week we went again and it was even more fun. And I learned how to actually control the ball more... that means NO gutters! Whoa. And when my song came on ("We got the beat"- the go gos), I made a killer split that impressed even my dad. In the end, I got an 87, which isn't that great, but isn't that bad, either. So, Chris and I (and my dad) have decided that we actually will go bowling often, now. And soon I'll be pretty good. And that 11 will be a distant memory (even if it was less than a month ago... geez).

Anyway, I've still got about 3 and a half hours until Night of the Living Dead. So, I guess I'll just wait for it to come, and find something around the house that kicks ass. I probably won't find anything. Damn the Pan. Damn him well!!! "Jodie Foster held a pair/ Bach held three of a kind/ Ghandi said 'with my full house/ I will blow your mind'/"

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