
Jun 04, 2007 15:14

I had a nice entry written up on my trip last Friday to the free concert hosted by the ROM in honour of the opening of the Lee-Chin Crystal wing, but I lost it when LiveJournal wouldn't let me post for two days. (Probably more, but that's how long I know I couldn't post for.) It looks like I'm finally able to post again, but the opening wasn't exciting enough to recap yet again, except to say that the MC bits between the performances were incredibly cheesy. The premise was Paul Gross arguing with Time over whether the human race deserved to continue to exist, with the occasional boost by guests like David Suzuki. I like Paul Gross. I like David Suzuki. But still, incredibly silly. Like it was aimed at 8-year-olds.

Later this week, I'd like to actually get inside the Crystal.

toronto life

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