Past vs. Future

Jul 29, 2006 06:38

Sometimes in life, you can't
always get what you want.
No matter how hard you try,
or how badly you want it.
Some things just don't
come right away.
& When they do, you will
be truly greatful.

Until then, appreciate the 
things you have at hand.
Friends, family, pets, life.

For the things to come;
I'm ready.

Everyone deserves another 
I will not argue that.

Past times and people from 
the past.
You never know if they will 
pop back up in the future.

But hopefully, in my case.
They will.

Good Morning
Yes I have Insomnia
& no I don't want to go to 
I have far too much on my 
I've spent my morning reading
old notes and listening to 
certain songs.

Boyyy if my life were easy,
I'd be thankful.

But since its not....
F you.
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