One more Numeros, one less Espada.
Fortunately, I have had a relatively peaceful period void of burdensome curses. The seemingly persistent need to polish weapons, of all things, was certainly a strange one. Ah, I hope not to have spoken too soon.
Though, in retrospect, it would have been somewhat pleasant to have had a wish granted if only for a day. But of course, the City is not so kind.
I have tasted the desired snack cakes which were the center of yesterday's chaos, and such things are truly not worth the attention and effort.
The relative peacefulness of the City, though a far preferable alternative to death, is rather different, even after some time. However, there are certainly
interesting individuals with interesting beliefs. I am curious in regards to others' strengths, but unnecessary battles must not be fought here.
Demon. Strange.
[ooc | Links = Reference; Strikes = Thoughts.]