Feb 20, 2009 18:39

...I smell dirt.

*after getting up and looking around* No, wait; that's sulfur. This isn't where I went set up camp...is it?

Mm? *looking up* ...Huh. It can't be a good omen for the sky to be that color. Is a storm coming, I wonder?

*stoops down, pinches a clump of charred dirt between his thumb and forefinger, and studies it for a few seconds, taking a sniff as well* ...Yikes. This is a volcano. Active, too, maybe. I don't want to be around to find out... *takes off in a brisk walk down the slope, and spots the castle in the distance*


*heads in that direction*

((EVERYONE~ Please check this OOC post out for info on mushi, the little glowy guys that Ginko brought with him; they're not his familiar or anything, but just a new kind of monster that has appeared in Netherworld))

alex, ichigo, raspberyl, ash, red, gai, master big star, pram

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