Dec 29, 2004 10:25
I sighed at the back of the classroom. Mrs. H was droning on and on...and on about covalent bonds. I really didn't know when I'd ever use covalent bonds in real life so I tuned out. Way out. Cause, in my thoughts I had walked into the library on Juliet training. Wesley was nowhere around. She'd stop. I'd yammer and then she'd drop her weapons and plant one right...there. On my lips. For no reason might I add.
As I imagined my smile growing wider a familiar voice came into it. Juliet backed away and said in a much meaner non-Juliet voice, "Mr. Harris!"
My head sprang up as all my class mates sat back and snickered. Here. Mrs. H was in front of my desk invading my private desk space and she had just interrupted one of the best non-class thoughts of my life! I looked up forgetting about any tone in my voice and snarkily said, "Yes?"
Shit. Damn Xander, should've taken those ettiqute classes then you wouldn't have been stuck here now with detention after school. II sighed as she returned to her droning and then noticed a new girl to my right. She hadn't been there yesterday and she was quite hot.
Class be damned! I held out my hand and said, "Hey, I'm Xander." Another girl, another day, another non-class. I smiled and waited for her extension of hand to intitiate the conversation. But it didn't come. Maybe she didn't understand me. "Uhh...are you from around here?"
[Open to grounded and powerless Anya-student]