[ 28 ] very intentional video

Aug 21, 2009 22:16

[ The image is oddly blurry, as though filmed from underwater. But the general picture is clear enough: Fuuka, sitting on her knees, hands clenched to her breast. Although the image is bright, it flickers in and out and is more static than usual, as though from interference. A blurry "window", blue and purple, paned in gold, can be half seen, and menacing shapes on the other side. Whatever this window is, it's clearly separating Fuuka from... whatever.

Well, not 'whatever.' Marionettes, in fact, monsters. To those who can tell these things, it's pretty simple: Fuuka was walking to the bar when she was set upon by monsters, unable to sense and avoid them in time. She summoned her Persona to shield her, which is clearly working fine as far as shielding goes... but she can't fight or move, and they don't seem to be interested in giving up any time soon.

Her voice seems to echo, and spiritually aware will notice that it's as telepathic as spoken over the network. She's very nervous, but is trying not to sound it. This is only questionably successful. ]

Excuse me... if anyone... can hear this, please... I need... I'm... okay, but... [ One of the monsters lunges against the 'glass'; the communicator whites out for a second; Fuuka can be seen to flinch. ] ... I-I'm okay!

video, captain obvious, useless in combat, juno, well this is alarming, a video post because she can

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