Jul 23, 2011 14:53
I really don't know what this thing is anymore.
I don't know why I can't keep up with this...
I do have some things to say though while I am at it.
I haven't updated since Sakuracon... Well... even before that.
I don't want to make this about my cosplay anymore.
So that's why i don't even say antyhing on here.
Honestly, I never wanted to give into facebook, but I did.
It's easier to write a sentance throughout the day.
I'm at that point in life where I need things to change for the bigger and better.
I can't stand anymore stress, ever since my mom passed.
I can't deal with other people's stress around me and I have been feeling super lonely. I know you are all there for me and I appreciate it. It still does not cancel the feeling.
I had fun at Metrocon. I loved seeing everyone. I missed doing the shows and those friends are always there for me as well.
I do pop up here and then on LJ.
I have been state hoping and I emotionally cannot stand it much more.
I feel like I do need to rant to the world, but I don't wnant to seem like one of those people who are searching for attention online.
Sometimes I feel like I have no one left and I know that's not true.
I have a very loving partner in life and that's all I need.
I feel like I have to be there for my sisters more than ever... and I am not even with them.
My birthday is coming up and honestly, I don't even care. I don't want to do anything... I just want to have fun?
Sorry for the stupid ranting. I don't know what else there is to say and honestly... I don't see how this would make sense to some of you because I haven't been saying anything here.
But I do have one thing to say.
Love your parents. No matter how "stupid" and "unfair" and "fucked up" your life is.
You never know.
And I think that is worth saying and updating about.