Sep 14, 2010 18:51
New LJ layout.
Enjoy it. Hahah!
HATE the effing ADs though. >(
I cannot find the code or anything to remove them or MOVE them in general.
I forgot how much I missed making graphics.
(I also forgot how annoying making the damn things right was... and it's still not perfect but I don't feel like fixing it.)
Also got a new header in my userinfo.
And found out I haven't touched that dusty thing for 2 years.
Eeh. >>;;
Forgot to mention, I purchased my Sebastian contacts.
So excited about those.
Also bought Emily a new KH1 Kairi wig.
More red.
More awesome.
Needs tamed.
Reading further into Vampire Knight.
On chapter 59 and will be caught up to chapter 63 in a few.
Lets just say "shit is about to happen"...
Like it does at the start of every chapter. xD
So exciting.