Apr 05, 2011 09:15

When our church decided to have in International evening, I was thrilled and excited!  This combines two of my favourite things -  FOOD and TRAVEL!!

There was the usual scrabbling, trying to get teams together.  By the time I had one, all the cool countries were taken! Even my own, Australia! What to do?

Surely my recent trip to the US and Canada could help me come up with something? There was already a US stall, and a Mexican.... and apart from making a Moose stew I could not think what may be Canadian original fare....

Thoughts of Canada brought back memories of the Star Trek party my Canadian friends threw for me, and most importantly, the FOOD they prepared for the evening!

That was it!  I'd do a STAR TREK stall! Three of my favourite things - FOOD, TRAVEL AND STAR TREK!  I mooted the idea to our pastor. 
"Never mind 'International," I said to him, "lets go INTERGALACTIC!"  He chuckled and said sure, but that as the evening's proceeds were for 'missions', how would I go about spreading the gospel intergalactically? 
"NO PROBLEM!", said I!

Those poor, unsuspecting sods out here!  LOL

I gathered my crew.  Most only know Star Trek as that strange sci-fi show that has periodically been on their tv, that they don't watch. A crash Starfleet course was required!

Fortunately my freinds are game for just about anything (strange that they aren't Star Trek fans *puzzled*) and good-naturedly agreed to dress up in the outfits I made them wear, and cook the recipes I gave them.

Back row:  Elize, Kailin, Debbie, Hayley (yeah, my daughter, she was our resident Vulcan - this was two weeks before she left for Oz), and yours truly.
Front row: Elize's two kids, Jade and Rueben, with Kelvin.

We served Raktajino (a Klingon hot coffee drink); Klingon Targ stew (don't know if Klingons actually eat their targs, but it made for a pretty good stew); Yorakar (a Vulcan cracked wheat salad); and of course some Romulan Ale (illegally obtained on the black market from a passing Ferengi).

Well this IS Bloemfontein South Africa, and as you know I cannot stress enough how far back in the back-of-beyond we actually are here.  True to form, we did not sell much food.  Something called Yorakar is just too strange for the locals.  No matter how much I explained exactly what was IN the dish (all normal local 'earth' ingredients....obvioulsy!) people just gave us a bemused smile, nodded, and headed off to buy a hamburger.
Took a lot of food home, which our families ate, because it was pretty GOOD!

What DID sell out was our Romulan Ale!  Simply made with Sprite and blue food colouring, with a few red berries floating on the top (church function, no alcohol unfortunately).  Seems no one else had thought of supplying something to drink, so our Ale went fast!

We made the least amount of money of all the stalls, but probably had the most fun!  AND won "Best Dressed Stall!"

Knew my TOS dvds would come in very useful for something one day!

Mitch loaned us his Enterprise.  Well it WAS my idea to get everyone to club together and get it for him for his 21st birthday, even though he IS a little more "Star Wars" than "Star Trek" (*sigh* The younger generation!)
See...?(Mitch and Hayley)  We laugh at this pic....wrong Galaxies! :)  Mind you....who's to say that a clone trooper from a Galaxy far, far away, may not one day find himself in the Milky Way, Alpha Quadrant, rubbing shoulders with Vulcan Starfleet officers?  Hmmm??

Had to put this one up! Who says Starfleet officers don't cry! Those Gorn are pretty scary!
(It's not a normal day if Rueben doesn't end up needing stitches somewhere, usually his head!)

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