2010 Movie List Post #2

Apr 03, 2010 14:59

Rules & Guidelines:
1. Keep track of every film watched.
2. First time movies only.
3. Review each.
4. Attempt 12 movies per month minimum.
5. Thanks to bondchick_nett for the Challenge =)

January Movies Set #2

The Hurt Locker (2008)

☆ 4/5 Bombs
This movie was pretty badass. Am I completely content that it won Best Picture? No, not really. However, this film was not at all what I expected and did a fantastic job of holding my interest, a difficult feat. Try it out, even if you're not into war movies, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Of course, seeing explosions at 1,000 frames per second is bound to impress anyone.

Dr. No (1962)

☆ 3/5 Metal Hands
I'd seen one Bond film before this, Casino Royale, and I wasn't stricken. The entire collection had come to Netflix in bluray though, and my boyfriend was anxious to see them. This movie was kind of fun although it didn't drive me to see any more Bond films right away. I wouldn't protest to another, though. The documentary about bringing the movie to high definition was pretty damn sweet and I think I remember more of that than the actual movie.

Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

☆ 2/5 Green Scarves
Total let down. A fun chick flick is totally necessary every now and then but I do not recommend this one at all. Skip it completely, you won't be wrapped up or swept away at all.

Masters of Horror: Dreams in the Witchhouse (2005)

☆ 2/5 Talking Rats
So Masters of Horror is a tv show, but the episodes are pretty much short films so I think that counts. Plus, my boyfriend bought me the first season on bluray and I love him for it.
I'd already seen Cigarette Burns (which I LOVE), so this was the first film of the season that I saw. Terrible way to kick off the MOH spree. Of course, it's a Lovecraft story and he's always stressed me out anyway. It was confusing and there were time/space elements, which I despise. Don't let this deter you though! I did not and things perk up later on in the season.

challenge: 2010 movies, film, challenges

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