Today is a historic election day - from all accounts, Americans will be voting in record numbers, perhaps the highest percentage of the population since the 1960's. Already, early voting has surpassed previous numbers.
The choices, too, are historic: on one side you have a Senator from Chicago, who would be the first African-American president our country has had. He is one of the most amazing public speakers I've seen, has a tremendous amount of dedication to change and to his ideals, and he has mobilized the youth of our nation in a way that hasn't been seen in a long time. His running mate is a long-serving Senator from Delaware who speaks his mind. On the other side, you have a man who would be our oldest president ever, a GOP member who has worked across the aisle and been willing to stand out, and has a sense of humor about himself most of the time; and his VP running mate is a woman, our first woman in such a high level of power in the executive branch - she too speaks her mind.
Folks, I don't care who you are voting for. All I care about is that today you take the time to go out and vote. I'd like to see our generation show that we aren't that disenchanted, that this hasn't been a bunch of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I know today it might be a longer line than you've ever had to vote - it might be the longest damn line you've ever stood in. But go out. Vote. We're at a such a crossroads in our nation's history. You have a choice to make, but most importantly, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE A CHOICE AND CAST YOUR VOTE. So use it.
So do it. Then, when you are done, come back, and you can watch this, to settle some nerves: it is
a nice public service announcement from two talented actresses.