hey i stole this from nick

Nov 03, 2005 12:25

What's your name?: Libbbbbby
How old are you?: 19
When's your birthday?: 9/11/86
Where do you live?: Palm Bay
Are you a guy or a gal?: giiirl

~::~Your looks~::~
What color is your hair naturally?: dirty blonde
Is it dyed right now?: Yes, black and blonde
What color are your eyes?: brown
Do you where contacts or glasses?: glasses
If you where contacts, do you where colored ones?: I don't like to put things in my eyes
How long is your hair?: Shortish
How do you usually where it?: on my head?
How tall are you?: 5'5
How much do you weigh?: thank god it is still a 3 digit number
What size shoes do you where?: 7
What style clothes do you usually where?: scenetastic ones
What are you wearing right now?: jeans, an off the shoulder 18v shirt, black and red track jacket, chucks
What jewelery do you where regularly?: plugs, the andrew bracelet, sometimes a locket a lover once gave me, all the other shit in my face
Have any piercings?: 11ty million
Tattoos?: nope
Are your nails painted?: black

#~#Would you or have you ever #~#
Dive into a pool of jello?: Only if it was green jello
Get a tatoo?: possibly
Try and get on Fear Factor?: Oh hell no
Try and get on some other reality show?: no, my life is boring
Pierce your tongue?: no
Go bungee jumping?: no
Parasailing?: no, heights and water
Sky diving?: dittto
Scuba diving?: maybe
Ask someone out?: perhaps
Fly an airplane?: yes
Fly in a hot air balloon?: no
Try and get in the Olympics?: i'm fat and lazy
Eat a bug?: what kind of bug?

::!:: About your crush, bf/gf, etc. ::!::
What's their name?: Andrew
Are they a boy or a girl?: As far as I know he is a boy
What's their favorite color?: blue
Favorite animal?: A tiger, maybe
Favorite pass time?: Effing sonic
How long have you known them?: About 6 months
Do you talk alot?: Yes
What size shoes do they where?: Fucking huge ones, like an 11
What color is their hair?: black
What about their eyes (the more detailed the better)?: blue/green pretty ones
Do you like their style of dress?: duh
Would you change anything about them?: Yeah, the abrasive "I'm a New Yorker" attitude shit
Do they sleep with stuffed animals?: no
How tall are they?: 6'1
What's their favorite food?: pizza
Favorite song?: something unknown and screamo
Favorite sport to play?: hahaha sports
To watch?: baseball
Favorite band?: deftones
How old are they?: 21
Do you think you'll marry them someday?: I really have no idea
Are you in love?: yes

>~< Your favorite things >~<
Color?: pink
Animal?: i only like to eat animals
Pass time?: sleeping, reading, drinking, doing anything but going to work and/or school
Sport to watch?: soccer
Sport to play?: sex
Food?: sushi
Ice cream?: that weird yellow crap that no one else buys at baskin robbins
Time of day?: 5:30 ish, pm
Day of the week?: tuesday and thursday
Time of the year?: winter
Memory?: Having fun and awesome friends
Place to be?: I don't really know
Person to be with?: Droooo
Room in the house?: my room
Article of clothing?: my jacket
Accessory?: gun belt buckle
Name?: Fairuza
State?: California
Country?: England
Kind of weather?: collld weather

=?= Word Association =?=
**Well I guess Nick removed this because it pissed him off.**

=) Answer in song lyrics (=
Describe yourself:: I won't allow it. I won't let it happen. This weakness will be strengthened.
Describe your friends:: Spread the lies? I spread the truth that you don't want to hear... and from the very start, every word, and I was there. I fucking loved you and I fucking cared, so just remember, who turned their back. And where? I'm still right here.
Describe your family:: for myself. for
my friends. for my family. forever. i'll take this to the bitter end.
Are you a guy or girl?: But I adore her
this will never happen
but I adore HER
Where do you want to be right now?: hot in the city tonight
Describe how you feel 'bout your crush, etc.::
Why do your eyes paralyze me
What makes me feel this way
Just carry me away with silence and heartbeats
As rapid thinking about your embrace
and how it makes me feel
I just want to feel this way forever
Describe how you feel right now:: fuck you all fuck this world
Describe your life:: i'm not dead yet
Give me a word of advice:: You can wait until you're older; Or you're in a better place
Just remember there's no winner in this fucked-up human race
Tell me something uplifting::
gone to bed, god is dead
lies and truth are in my head
your history, society, reformity
it isn't me, it's all on you
reality, it's what ya do
it's what ya take in the truth the lies
the freedom dies, the mind it numbs, the spirit breaks
all our rights it kills our future
our reasons why
we're born to die
we're born to die

@',---- Randomness ----,'@
What are you doing right now?: skipping statistics
I'm hungry. Are you?: no
What are you listening too?: me tapping on the desk
How many people are you talking to on IM?: none
Are you singing or talking or anything like that?: no
Who do you miss?: Tim
Who did you get your last email from?: Tim
Who do you wish would write?: Angela
Learned anything new lately?: Heron's Area Formula
What's the last thing you ate?: pizza
Got any hobbies?: masturbation
How long has it been since you've done something creative?: i've never done anything creative
When's the last time you went outside?: 37 minutes ago
Who's the last person you hit?: Tim
Who's house where you at last?: Andrew
Who's house did you last spend the night at?: Andrew
What's on your mind right now?: Andrew
When's the last time you were really angry?: yesterday
When's the last time you got royally emberassed?: I don't remember
Who do you wish you were with right now?: Andrew
Got any plans for the weekend?: going to a birthday party
Are you getting tired of this yet?: yes
Will you be my friend?: no
When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?: kill yourself

/*/ This or That /*/
Green or blue?: Green
Red or purple?: Red
Hot or cold?: Cold
Pizza or lasgna?: pizza
Bread or ice cream?: ice cream
Cake or pie?: cake
Tofu or chicken?: tofu
Ugly or fat?: fat
Camera or camcorder?: Camera
IM or in person?: in person
Phone or computer?: computer
Movie or TV?: Movie
Alone or over crowded?: Alone
Music or silence?: Music
Walk or run?: Walk
Bike or rollerblades?: Bike
Ring or bracelet?: Ring
Taken or single?: Taken
Guys or gals?: guyals
Dark or light?: Dark
Bright or subdued?: Subdued
Cheerful or cranky?:cranky
Smile or grin?: Grin
Pen or pencil?: Pen
Paper or plastic?: paper
Tiger or cheetah?:tiger
Dolphin or shark?: Shark
Catsup or Ketchup?: Ketchup
Mayonnaise or miracle whip?: Mayo
Pirates of the Carribean or Lord ofthe Rings?: fuck some elves, pirates
Knife or scizzors?: Knife
Pants or shorts?: shants
Windy or calm?: windy
Flower or weed?: flower
Half empty or half full?: half empty
Cordless or cell?: cell
House or home?: house
Karate or kick boxing?: karate

---->About your friends<-----
Uh yeah me too

*#* Thought provokers *#*
Is abortion wrong? Give the reason for your answer.: No, it is a personal decision, and if you don't like it, I will kill your children.
What about euthenasia?: Eh whatev
What are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?: I don't give a shit
I just got a letter from President Bush! ( I know, that didn't fit): faggot
Is there life on other planets?: doubtfully
How did we get here?: I don't know
Creation or the Big Bang or something else?: eh
Is sex before marraige wrong?: sex is always the answer
Is it wrong to be gay?: No
How old should children be when they start school?: old enough to decide if they want to go or not
Is the Bible true?: no
Did Jesus really come to earth and die for our sins?: I doubt it
If you could do absoulutley anything, what would you do?: Die
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?: pay for school and quit working, buy another car
Jesus loves you.: my heart aches for your love.
Why are we here?: because.

)(More random randimosity)(
What color is the sky?: I don't know. I can't see it.
Why?: Becaue I am inside you fuckass.
Is color real or just an illusion?: Everything is an illusion.
Do you think I could have the president for a pen pal?: no
What's behind you?: a trashcan
Who's in the room with you?: random BCC students
What can you hear right now?: keys clicking
Without turning your head, what can you see?: some black dude and a piece of paper
What are your emotional fears?: rejection
What are your physical fears?: heights
What brings you joy?: stupid stuff
Do you have any addictions?: uh cigarettes
Any obsessions?: i'm sure
What's on your bedroom walls?: an upside down despair facton poster and a cardboard alligator
Do you have any stuffed animals?: yes
I forgot this one - what's your favorite movie?: sin city
How many people are in your family?: 5
Got any people you call siblings, but aren't related?: sort of
Who's the last person you hugged?: Andrew
I'm still hungry, are you?: no
What's something you're waiting for?: My first effing paycheck
Do you like to take pictures?: no
Collect anything?: money
What can you see out the nearest window?: a tree
What's your least favorite chore?: cleaning bathrooms
What do you dread?: going to the bank
What are you looking forward too?: going home
Do you like your handwriting?: No
How fast do you type?: fast
What color are your socks?: white
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?: like a pair of holes with pieces of shoe inbetween
How long has it been since you've worn real tennis shoes?: like 3 years
Do you want a pair of converse all stars?:theyer called chuck taylors all stars....faggot (ditto)
What color?: pink
What was the last commercial you saw?: something dumb
What was the last movie you watched?: eternal sunshine of the..something
What was the last movie you watched in theaters?: star wars
What was the last movie you saw that you'd never seen?: dunno
This is almost over! Happy?: yes
What are you gonna do when you're finally FINISHED?: go to humanities
Are you smart?: not really anymore
Is your room a mess or clean or in between?: clean
Do you like cheese?: Yes
I like peanut butter on cheese. Am I weird?: This is the stupidest fucking survey I have ever taken in my entire life
Quick! Start singing!: I'm in a library asshat
What's the weather like?: humid
When's the last time you flew?: 3 years ago
Do you LIKE to fly?: no
This is over.: good
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