It's BlizzCon

Nov 06, 2015 18:14

Blizzard Entertainment is having their annual convention. I'm watching it through the virtual ticket. Legion, the new expansion to come out next summer looks amazing. I can't wait for it.

I treated myself to some books this month. I got Tygati's books from Less Than Three. I read In the Hours of Darkness right away and now have to wait (im)patiently for the next one to come out, which I preordered.

I also got a couple compilations from Less Than Three, Satisfaction Guaranteed and Silver and Gold. I stayed awake all night and read through Satisfaction Guaranteed. And read Silver and Gold too quickly as well. I'm already through them all. Now I need more new reads, lol.

*This part is cut and pasted from a reply on a comment I made on Charis's post.*
Went to the dr. on....Tuesday? I didn't have a fever. When the doc listened to my lungs, he said "yep, that sounds rough".

He said my ick feelings (exhaustion, headache, and just general "off" feeling) are probably from just being ill and having depression etc. But just in case, he made me go get blood drawn for a full scan of whatever they can find out from my blood.

I go back to the dr. On the 10th. We'll see what the results are. The doc said he could give me more antibiotics if I wished but we both figured we'd wait until we see the test results.

charis, real life, books, tygati, blizzcon

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