Sep 02, 2015 22:07
So, I want to reread a story but I can't find it. I usually keep track of stories I like, but on certain websites (like fictionpress), I sometimes just favourite the author instead of all the individual stories. Now I can't find one I want to read.
I've been kinda, sorta writing. I have a couple ideas. But, I don't like the way anything is turning out so I'm not posting any of it. I posted one story I wasn't happy with and have regretted it since. I won't be taking down the story I don't like for various reasons even though it annoys me to see it up on here.
I also get annoyed by authors who post something on a website, whether a 'full' story or a chapter in an ongoing story, only to include an authors note that says something along the lines of "I hate this part" or "This is so horrid." If you don't like it, change it before you post it. If you are on a schedule of postings, post a short note that says I'm working on it and ask your readers forgiveness for your tardiness. OR JUST POST IT WITHOUT THE NOTE.
I don't want to read another author's piece of crap writing and I don't want you all to suffer reading my piece of crap writing.
Ok, rant over, back to whining.
So the story I'm looking for is about a young man who is living with his two older brothers. I believe it is set in Japan. The two older brothers bring home a friend for dinner and the friend mistakes the younger brother for a girl. Even after the friend is corrected, he finds himself attracted to the younger brother. They go to a festival and live happily ever after. Sound familiar to anyone?