
Mar 04, 2009 00:00

NAME: Hati
AIM SCREENNAME: TouketsuOmoide
OTHER CHARACTERS: noctivigant and boybullet.

NAME: Merlin Emrys
CODENAME: Has no codename.
SERIES/SOURCE: Merlin (BBC series)
AGE: 17
ROLE: Student

BACKGROUND: Merlin was raised by his single mother in a small countryside village in England. He was really just an ordinary farmer's kid up until his teenage years and he found out he wasn't quite as normal as he thought himself to be. He discovered he had the ability to move objects with his mind (later to be revealed as telekinesis with endless possibilities) one summer when their barn had caught fire and his mother was trapped inside. As a frantic child he had made his way inside and nearly watched his mother get crushed to death as the roof came down. Except the roof never touched the ground.

They both kept Merlin's power a secret, considering their village was an old-fashioned one and mutants were frowned upon, until it got out of hand. Merlin couldn't keep his power under control and weird accidents kept happening. So his mother send him off to live with his uncle Gaius where she felt he would be in better hands and he was, for a while.

Gaius was a personal physician for the rich Pendragon family and Merlin spend quite some time helping his uncle out while his uncle helped him discover his power and taught him to restrain it better. It wasn't perfect but Merlin gained some control over his telekinesis. It didn't stay safe for long though. Anti-mutant groups were starting to move closer and closer and Gaius saw it fit to send Merlin to Xavier's Institute where he would be a little safer and have the opportunity to learn to control his powers.

PERSONALITY: Merlin is an individual who is headstrong but has a heart of gold. Despite being somewhat awkward at social situations at times, he's not afraid to speak his mind and he will stand up to anyone no matter what their position is. He's defiant and courageous which sometimes makes him a tad foolish.

He's the kind of person who will always try to do what is right even if it goes against what should be done. He tends to care a great deal about the people around him and he makes for a loyal, trustworthy friend.

One who is clumsy but always full of good intentions.

Merlin is an unimpressive-looking caucasian teenager. His build can best be described as lanky and his skin is slightly paler than average. His mop of messy black hair doesn't really help his pale complexion stand out any less but it does make his blue eyes more noticeable.

He dresses simply and most of the time can be seen with a scarf around his neck even if the weather is warm.

POWERS: Merlin has the power of telekinesis. It's quite strong and there's a wide array of ways he can use his telekinesis. For example, he can use it to levitate himself (or others), move objects or make shields. The thing is he can't really control his power and most of the time it happens as a reflex.

When Merlin uses his telekinesis his eyes glow gold and so it's rather easy to tell when he's using his powers.


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