ARC app - in progress

Oct 20, 2011 10:55

Name: Danielle
Age: 20
Journal: obsceno
Contact (MESSENGER/E-MAIL/ETC): aim (ecnisse), plurk (harshnasties)

Name: Byakuran
Age: 16 or thereabouts.
Canon: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Canon Point: Chapter 357
History: Byakuran Wiki.

Byakuran is something of a tricky character to properly grasp. He is not a man who shows his true nature directly, but nor is he a man who particularly makes a great deal of effort to hide it. He is apathetic to how people view him, to an extent. He is a man who is very carefree and who lets very little trouble him. Byakuran lacks many things which typically are what make a person ‘good’ and lacks the fundamental aspects which make a person moral. What is important to note, however, is that Byakuran was not always like this.

Pre-future arc Byakuran is, for what little we see of him, a relatively normal individual. Before Irie Shouichi awakens his ability, he attends university in one world, lives a normal life in another. He is for all extents and purposes, a very normal man living his life as any normal man would. The trouble is this; we are not given much of a backstory for him. We know nothing of his upbringing, his family or even if he was born into the mafia, or if he simply integrated himself into it. What we do know is this; who he is during the future arc is very much partly due to Irie Shouichi abusing the power to time travel to alter the future. This is where it gets a little complicated and a little back story is needed, most of which is covered in the Reborn! Wikia. What is important is this; Irie Shouichi meets Byakuran twice while time travelling and as such, unlocks his power to travel to parallel worlds. The next time Shouichi time travels, the Byakuran of ten years later has already become a monster and destroyed countless worlds in countless ways. Furthermore, he has one of his men implant a device on Shouichi which, when Shouichi returns to his own time, allows the Byakuran of the past (say, seventeen years old) to have his ability awakened early. What happens inbetween that and Byakuran attending University in America is unknown, but we know that Byakuran meets and befriends an oblivious Shouichi. Sometime after that, he meets the Cervello who present him with the sky mare ring. By this point, he has already become the man we see at the beginning of the future arc.

It is easy to argue then, that Byakuran has always been something of a monster in the future arc timeline of events; or argue that he had the same faults as any normal man, and when given a power at a very young age, he slowly went mad with power, greed and a desire to destroy and recreate the world in his own skewed vision of perfection.

However, we are jumping ahead of ourselves a little.

The Byakuran we are first greeted with in the manga, is immediately identified as the enemy. He is seen to be a man without morals; or rather, he is a man without morals. He lacks basic moral and human conscious and takes something of a great thrill in pursuing life as a game. He does not discriminate between who he kills; man, woman , child - everyone is fair game to him and that is, perhaps, what makes him such a fearful and dangerous man. He lacks the capacity of extensive feelings and emotions. Which is not to say that he does not feel emotion at all; we are given plenty of evidence that he is often happy, that he is fond of people on a very basic level and that he takes pleasure in things going his way. He is, therefore, a very tricky character to fully comprehend. We are never sure when exactly he is showing genuine happiness. He is, however, very optimistic on the outside, especially in earlier chapters.

It is easy on first glance, to assume that he is friendly and, well, normal. For example, when we first meet Byakuran, though it small and brief, he is seen smiling and teasing Leonardo Lippi, even suggesting that he not be so formal when addressing him, as it is 'stifling'. This is a trait which becomes common. He likes to tease and fluster those around him, especially those he knows have something to hide. Most noticeably, his interactions with Irie Shouichi highlight this: he knows that Shouichi is a traitor and has been for some time, yet he does not take action against him or even outright admit that he knows. Instead, he teases and leaves Shouichi subtle clues to purposely throw him off and make him uncomfortable.

What is clear about Byakuran’s character is that he likes to have fun, no matter what the cost. Early on, he is laid back, though he is no less driven towards his goals. He is simply not in much of a rush; he is willing to let things run their course to see how they will play out.

Byakuran, however has many, many underlying issues and flaws to his character. As time progresses, we see him become increasingly less patient and good tempered. We see him very much deteriorating. There are very dark elements to Byakuran’s character; he enjoys the emotional strain his teasing inflicts on others; definitely, underneath his friendly exterior lurks a master manipulator and an absolute willingness to do whatever it takes to obtain his goals. By not taking Shouichi out immediately, we can then assume that he was happy enough to let Shouichi do what was doing simply because it was beneficial to him. Shouichi brought him an important element he was lacking in the future; the Vongola rings. We can also assume that he simply enjoyed the torment and uneasiness he brought upon Shouichi, taking amusement as it were, in watching him squirm. He is, you see, not an entirely pleasant man to be around.

He is narcissistic and has undoubtedly a large god complex and a superiorty complex. He is very much self important; to use a metaphor, Byakuran perceives life as a game in which he is both the protagonist and antagonist. That is, he sees himself as a figure who will reach godhood through defeating every game boss he comes across. He is manipulative and so uses everything he can to bring companions and allies to his side. This skewed view on reality and large god complex is only fuelled by the blind loyalty a large majority of Millefiore show him (the funeral wreaths, real and fake are prime examples of this). People are attracted to Byakuran because he offers them more than mundane living; he saves people in return for their loyalty. In Genksihi’s case, that loyalty becomes something much greater than a man and his boss - Byakuran literally becomes his god. In the case of the general populace of Millefiore and the real funeral wreaths, he gives power and wealth. Kikyou says himself that in other worlds, they ruled as Kings yet in this world, they were nothing more than trash before Byakuran came to them. Byakuran gives people exactly what they want because they are useful, and in return all they have to do is do what he wants and do it right. Byakuran is fond of these people as he would be fond a pet puppy; they are entertaining for as long as they are useful.

Byakuran is driven by his obsession to obtain ultimate power and the desire to win the ‘game’ he has created. He is driven by his own self importance and his desire to have fun - there is nothing more to it. Byakuran wants the 7^3 and to create a new world because it is fun and it is entertaining. If he is god, then there will be very little in his new world that he will find boring. It is not a pleasant thing, but this is what he is.

Thus it is appropriate to mention Uni, his key toy in doing so. As Uni is the sky arcobaleno, she has the power (or at least it is implied that she does) to activate the 7^3 in such a way that Byakuran can use it to obtain his goals. Uni is important to him; sacred to him, even. Her first role to him is that she provides him with the rest of the mare rings; as such, a third of his collection is complete. He becomes aware of her true usefulness after choice, wherein she demonstrates the ability to regenerate the arcobaleno and as such, Byakuran percieves as his main factor in activating the 7^3 the ways he wants. Later, he says to Kikyou that in most worlds, his collection is complete, but he is unable to use it - he also mentions that in these worlds, Uni has ultimately sacrificed herself for other people. As such he, puts two and two together and concludes that he needs her and so puts her at the top of his priorities.

By the closure of the future arc, we see less of Byakuran’s cunning and manipulation and are instead left with a desperate man who is quickly deteriorating into insanity and becoming more and more irrational. He becomes quick tempered immediately after Uni announces she is leaving the Millefiore. He threatens Bluebell for even suggesting that they kill her (there is a possessive side here, as Byakuran views Uni as one of his important toys). He constantly comfort eats on sugary snacks while angry - far more than usual. During his final battle with Tsuna, he is outright beyond all recognition of the cunning, patient man we are first met with. He is incapable of rational thought, consistently blames Tsuna for Uni’s suicide and subsequently for destroying his key element in activating the 7^3. It is because of this he is ultimately over-powered by a disgusted and angry Tsuna, and loses.

By this point, there it seems there is no going back for Byakuran. He is unredeemable. However; when faced with the full brunt of Tsuna’s x-burner, Byakuran shows an unusual moment of acceptance and rationality. He comments that he has never hated humanity, has felt happy and warm with friends but that simply that world just did not feel right. He understands that Tsuna can’t see the world that way and as he dies, accepts his loss.

Let us go back to my earlier statement; Byakuran has not always been this way. I think it is highly probable that when given his ability at a young, Byakuran probably started out with trying to make the world a better place. When given the opportunity to see countless other worlds and how to make his better, he probably began with pure and good intentions. With time and abuse of his power, he probably began to develop an ego - began to feel he was special and from that, forgot his original intent and began to focus on himself. Tsuna’s dying will flames have a history of wiping the impurity from people (Mukuro, Xanxus) and so in his final moments, this is probably what happened to Byakuran.

Byakuran is a liar, he is a cheat and he is very far from being pleasant. He is borderline sociopathic - but he is not beyond coming back from it. Which brings us very smoothly onto the Byakuran we are presented with at present. While the Byakuran of ten years later has not had much time show much of what he is thinking, it is clear that he retains traits which very much make him Byakuran. He is lacking the blatant insanity which lead to his ultimate downfall in the future, but the key things which made Byakuran who is appear to still be there: boredom, an interest in games, selfishness and pride. Byakuran is not evil, yet - but it's hard to argue that he is good either. He shows no apparent remorse for the actions of his future self, but neither does he show any kind of pride in it. I propose that he is probably embarrassed by the entire thing; losing, losing control of himself. It is easier then, to show minimum reaction to it.

First, let's look at his first appearance where he heals Yamamoto and is apparently Vongola's willing prisoner. Going against Vongola didn't work for him in the future. It very much backfired - so it is likely Byakuran saw an opportunity to do things differently. Planting the seeds of potential alliance early on: go willingly, and then offer and go through with helping not only a key member of Vongola, but also one of Tsuna's best friends. This is in no way erases what his future counterpart has already done in the future, but it does give him a chance to begin redeeming himself.

Byakuran is very much regrouping. Perhaps not only for his own selfish purposes, but also perhaps because he is lonely. In the future, we rarely see him without company. He is a sociable character who enjoys talking and teasing. Aria asking him to be Uni’s representative not only gives him a chance to do so - but well, it’s also terribly curious and interesting for the mother of the girl he made kill herself, to ask him for help. More than that - he also, more than likely is seeking a kind of normalcy, which would explain why he sought out his real Funeral Wreaths before anyone else.

At the core of it all - Byakuran is bored right now. He knows he can’t proceed the way he would have, and as such he’s seeking out things to fill a void. The representative battle is an interesting game, and it gives him more room to earn Tsuna’s trust.  But then he knows that after it he will be back to boredom, which would more than likely explain his sudden interest in school (as well as perhaps him having a quiet want for something of a normal life).  His intention aren’t clear yet - but I think any outcome from either end of the good/bad/neutral spectrum wouldn’t be too far-fetched or much of a surprise. Byakuran is very much out for himself, no matter which version he is.


- Parallel worlds; Byakuran has the ability to look into every parallel world in which he exists, across the same timeline. As such, he has an unreliable way of sometimes telling future events, but a definite reliable way of knowing almost everything about each one of his enemies and allies. It is, in theory, a very useful technique. It is however, not one which lasts forever. It is an ability which ages - in time, Byakuran will no longer be able to use it. Using it takes a physical toll on his body - and perhaps, a mental one too. He becomes lethargic and sick, displays migraine's and has to rest for a short period of time.

-He has the ability to sprout wings, thus by using the power of his dying will flames, has the ability to fly. When the wings are forcibly removed, they are replaced with black wings which can be used as offensive weapons. In addition, if in the presence of GHOST, he has the ability to take the flames absorbed by GHOST and use them as his own.Weaknesses:
In the future, Byakuran's primary weaknesses were his ego and rapidly decreasing rationality, reason and sanity. So far in the present arc, he has shown none yet, but it can be assumed that he is just as susceptible to these too. He has depleted physical power without his Mare ring, though he has apparent access to his box animal without it. He is however, without access to his White Finger and White Applause, thus far.

Story:  The Adventures Of Peter and Wendy
Story Character: Captain Hook
Plans: There's a sense of irony in Byakuran's denizen. Byakuran will find himself out of sorts very briefly, before beginning to replan and try to establish himself within a new set of allies. He'll seek out familiar faces before placing his minimum trust in strangers. Most of all - he'll want to have fun, while finding himself struggling to both overcome the effects of Arcanarum and his own latent personality flaws.

First Person:
[He is acutely aware of his change of location - this is not his world, because Byakuran knows his world and every world like it because they're all his to see and if he's honest, boredom has often given him time to recall and acquaint himself with every similarity and every difference. He know's this is not his world and is not part of his multiverse because he cannot sense himself, and nor can he feel any kind of familiarity.

This is new and it is outwith his reach. And yet here he is. It is so terribly peculiar and Byakuran finds his mouth twitching upwards despite the very real wariness settling itself in the pit of his stomach.

Even stranger than the location, is his clothes. ]

Seems like I'm a pirate today; how exciting~!

[He makes a very good show of looking excited too. He smiles wide and easily. ]

I have to admit that I don't make a habit of being a pirate though~. Or letting myself end up in strange places, for that matter! Especially when I was about to do something very important~.

[And this is where his smile drops; his expression becomes somewhat empty. There's no irritation on his face, but it is clear he is not happy. ]

My name is Byakuran - I wonder if any of my friends are out there~♪ ?

Third Person:
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