Nice/Good Girls Finish Close to Last.

Mar 17, 2004 17:55

Inspired to write for Nice Girls Everywhere by:

Nice Guys Finish Last

Some Thoughts

This is an ode to the nice girls. The nice girls whom finish last, that never become anything more than friends…or reach the status of “you’re like a little sister to me” The nice girls that endure hours of Phantasy Star Online/Counterstrike. This is for the girls that appreciate the small things like cards and wildflowers, the girls that don’t ask for LV or Gucci because they are not goldiggers. This is to the girls that provide home cooked sustenance after hoops/long day at work, those girls that picked their guy friends up from the airport or up off the ground after their male ego was crushed, the girls that go along on outtings with their guy friends and his married buddy, so the guy won’t feel like a third wheel, all the while restraining themselves from flirtatiousness. This is in honor of the girls that obligingly reiterate how strong/handsome/funny/athletic/brave/masculine/sexy their male friends are at the appropriate moment, particularly when another man has challenged his world. This is in honor of the girls who respect every man’s facet, from his old t-shirts with holes in the underarms to his compulsive attitude about food in his car.

This is for the girls who escort their drunk, bewildered male friends to parties, enduring embarrassing moments of loud outbursts/ oogles at beautiful women, and forgive the drunk “accidental fondling”. The girls who act as buffers against the non aesthetically pleasing female population, for the girls who are tired of playing games, or always play by the rules in a game where the game is run by charming playboys and baggage packing guys on the injury bench. For the girls who are accredited as girlfriend material but somehow don’t end up being girlfriends because they aren’t exciting enough, for the girl who will make a good wife later, but not a good girlfriend now. For all the nice girls who are overlooked, unappreciated, for all the nice girls who are taken advantage of, misled, and unjustly forgotten, this is for you

This is for the time that he said he would call and didn’t. Then when he finally did he talked about some girl with a psychotic behavior/borderline stalker for hours. And even though you assured him that he was not too harsh, and he should just avoid her. He allowed her back in because she had a nice rack. This is for the girls that understood when he told you he couldn’t hang out because his “girlfriend” didn’t like him spending time with you, but you were there for him when he needed to vent about the same “girlfriend” dumping him for a guy with more money in his bank account.

The nice girls don’t often get credit where credit is due. Perhaps equally as f*ed up is nice girls get accused of acting like a bitch when “aunt flo” is in town, when guys are in line to hold back the hair of flakey/materialistic/psycho/girls just cause they have nice T&A. I can not list a thousand reasons why guys don’t want nice girls as girlfriends, the only logic that can possibly explain this perplexity is that BITCHY girls F*ed up all the good men out there, hence it might just be our (the female population) own damn fault.

Still to the nice girls…
This thing does not last forever. It only lasts until the age of 35-40 when guys grow to men and start seeking girls whom will make good mothers for their sons. So have fun waiting. Sadly by that time the nice girls are too preoccupied with their “biological clock” that they will settle for the jerks.

So until those guys are found (right now, not when we are saggy and pruned), I propose a toast to all the fabulous nice girls. The girls that offered opinions on shirts/cologne, the girls that helped pick out cards and gifts for guys' mothers and sisters. This world needs your patience at the bar, your propensity to be a sucker for nice eyes, the cleaning up, the slaving over hot stoves, the searching twenty stores for that video game/dvd he just has to have, for tolerating all the false accusations of PMS, for all the instances where you were the great woman behind the planning of BBQ’s, housewarmings, birthday shindigs. My hand claps, hugs, and gratitude are bestowed upon you. You are the bomb.

I wonder if the Good Girls would go for the Good Boys, and vice versa. NE1 care to take that on???

Holy Cow...I am late for TKB. =O
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