First Entry

Jun 14, 2005 15:22

This is my first entry on this "Live Journal" "Blog" type thing. I'm not sure what to put here, so I bet while I'm trying to get used to the idea of putting personal info on here, it'll be pretty boring.
Here are some new and interesting fact about me:
I love my husband- Even though we fight, and have a few differences, we are the best we could ever find for each other. He really is the best.
I like to knit- I've been knitting now for about 5 months, and I think I can admit that I no longer a beginner. I know people think knitting is for grandmas, but it's actually pretty relaxing, and it passes time.
I just joined curves and decided to excercise daily. I'm committed to loosing weight so that I have a more healthy able body. I'm sure I'll post how things are going. My goal is to seriously diet and excercise for a year. Which, I know seems like a long time, but I've gotta a long ways to go. I want to be able to chase after a toddler with out breaking a sweat. So far so good= I'm 9 lbs lighter after week 1, 51 more weeks to go.
I like country music- I used to think it was stupid and for country bumkin type people, but after growing out of my small L.A. town mold, and living with courtney for a while, and living in Sacramento, i've learned to like it. And I Country line dance. I bet my highschool friends have dropped their jaw by now.
I have a job- I think that's all I'll say about that. If I say any more, it'll just turn into a rant.
Well I think that's all I can think of for now.
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