Aug 12, 2005 02:20
As I sit here bleeding my life away, I wonder at my funueral what everyone will have to say. How did people think of me? And as a friend, was I ok?
I know I wasn't always a happy and outgoing type of person, my self esteem and confidence were a bit shot. But in life I was happy for everything I got.
I worked for just about everything I had. My 3 cars, my computer and the knifes I used in bleeding myself dry, and everything else. Good or bad.
My friends knew me, everyone else had there ideas of who I was, I let them think what they wanted. I didn't give a fuck.
There were few things in life, I wasn't proud of. But none of which I had any regret for. But I made my decision, for me there is no other door.
I will say, this I love everyone that was there. To all my friends past or present, there were dull or bad moments and good to great ones. Everything that happened, happened it was part of life and it was fun. But the help came to late, I'm sorry hun.
We live to grow old, we make mistakes to learn.
I could go on longer if I had the time. I'm sitting here with my blood all around me. I didn't think there was this much in me, I should have done this in the tub so it was easier to clean.
The word of the night is...............Psuedonym!
I was bored, so while I dyed my hair I decided to write. Using some old tactics, I came up with this. It is drull and possibly depressing, but what can I say. Writing cheezy bull shit, is what I do best.