Mar 01, 2006 21:58
another beautiful day...78 degrees in the sun at its height. the birds are rioting with joy, and girls lay out in the sun on blankets.
there are times when i feel crushed by dates and deadlines, by looming projects and especially the things i can't control. it's so
F R U S T R A T I N G . . .
but i am not crushed. my soul, with wings of silver light, rises and will not be dragged down no matter how much i tell it that it should be. i feel as if i cannot hate anything anymore. i just...can't. the world, the people, the intricacies of life...they are all in sharp relief to my newly-awakened eyes.
there are terrible things in this world. but they don't have to be so terrible, if we'd just wake up and realize that indeed, "no man is an island". there will always be pain, but no one should have to suffer in wretched isolation. we are not Atlas bearing the whole world on a single pair of shoulders. we are the bundle of sticks that the father told his sons they should be: alone, they break, but bound together, they are strong.
i am realizing how closely Love and Beauty are intertwined. they are almost the same thing...for both Love and Beauty give of themselves something that is far beyond the normal, something rare and timeless. something vital, though there are many times when we ignore that fact. i am humbled and awed at how important these things are. these are the things that make my soul soar.
and so its the battle between these two things: sorrow and frustration; and the wings.
and Liz...i wish i could let her borrow those wings for a time. i'd trade places with her for a day, to know how it truly feels to be her. as the days pass i love her all the more, just the way she is. she's not perfect; i'm not perfect; no one's perfect. but Beauty can be found in imperfect things; in fact, is most profound in the imperfect.
who could have known that, the day i first talked to Fox, the time i first said hi to "Ace"...who would have guessed that i'd be here today, feeling how i'm feeling, having seen what i've seen and experienced, driving to west palm beach in...less than 60 hours?