So I finally went to NOVA today after putting it off for several months and turned in my application, and spoke with a counselor who helped me begin to get registered. Since I'm not getting a degree there I didn't have to give them any transcripts or other paper work so that was really nice. And I didn't need their english pre-requisite so the guy I met with signed off on that which let me register for a BIO class without any problems. It's once a week on Fridays, in the morning with an afternoon lab. I can register for the rest of my classes from home. So all I have to do is finish that, then go back and get my ID and parking permit and buy books and I should be ready to go for January. I'm actually kind of excited about this. I hope it proves worthwhile. Either way it is credit for Loyola.
this is by the same guy who did the "trailer" for 'shining'. not as funny but still would've been an awesome movie. ;)