Vierzehn - [Action/Voice]

Mar 21, 2011 11:54

[It's been nothing but rain and gloom since Kurt was tossed back into Luceti on the seventeenth with a few injuries and an unusual interest in his adopted 'sister' Rogue. Some bed rest and food had brought him back to health, but seeing the sun out bright and shining helped has raised his spirits. Sure, it's still a very soggy looking Luceti out there, but some more sunshine should help fix that.

This means Kurt is back into his usual routine of things, teleporting or hopping from roof to roof, hanging out in trees, or catching the beautiful views from on top of community buildings. There's school and the Brigade... but he'll skip those today. He hasn't spent a few days sleeping just to go sit inside and listen to people talk about stuff. Ultimately, he can be found just about anywhere in the village or the outskirts of it, stretching his limbs and enjoying the almost-but-not-quite-Spring weather.

Later her makes a voice post... while upside down in a tree. It's not even that hard to see in the picture box, what with his hair hanging towards the ground and the upside houses behind him. It turns out skipping school and Brigade meetings makes for a pretty dull day and by the time he's missed both of them, he's looking for something to do. Good thing there's social networking tools for bothering all people in Luceti simultaneously.]

So I know being in Luceti is totally whack and mostly lame, but it's not always bad, yeah? I mean, even with messed up experiments and that crazy old guy who makes cool, fuzzy and blue people like me look bad, there's those pretty cool days. Like today's a pretty good one. So, anyone remember any other good times they've had here?

*liz thompson, *anne shirley, [voice], he's just bored, *haruhi, just hanging out, *terra, *noel, [action], around town, *shino, *cyborg, *nami

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