(no subject)

Jan 06, 2007 20:14

Deep Questions
I.What if…
…You had a chance to go back in time but would lose the chance to undo what you do?: Stay here.

...You could be beautiful but stupid or ugly but intelligent?: Ugly but intelligent. Looks fade.

...You had the choice to either die young without pain or older with pain?: Older with pain.

...You could be rich and famous and unhappy or poor and happy?: Poor and happy.

…You could be fat and marry the guy/girl of your dreams or skinny and marry no one?: Fat and marry the guy of my dreams.

…You got separated from your family in an airport?: Find somewhere to get food, then find my family.

…You were kidnapped?: Um, be stuck in a trunk somewhere?

…You were locked outside your house?: Go to Katie's.

…You had to chose between saving your true love or best friend and could only save one, but could sacrifice yourself to save both?: Sacrifice myself to save both.

…You could say only one thing before you died?: I don't know. I couldn't say just one thing.

…You were about to die in three weeks?: Live life to the fullest. Apologize to everyone I've hurt.

…You could live in another era?: I'd stay here.

…You had the choice between life in prision or death penalty?: Death penalty. I don't want to live in prison and live with myself if I did something that deserved the death penalty.

…You had the choice between a high paying but boring job, or a reasonable-paying fun job?: A reasonable-paying fun job.

II. Would you…
…Sacrifice a big job if it meant being with your first love?: Yeah, I'd sacrifice the job.

…Sacrifice your health for lesser health and greater happiness?: Yes, I'd rather be sick and happy.

…Move to another country?: Yeah, if someone a best friend/boyfriend/family member came with me.

…Move away from your family?: Yeah, but not to the other side of th ecountry or something.

…Use a time Travel Machine if it was invented?: Nah.

…Use drugs if they were legal?: No way. They'd screw me over for lacrosse and everything else.

…Ever have your head frozen?: No.

…Ever have your head shaved completely bald?: Nah. Not unless I was supporting a friend with cancer.

…Have children knowing they will develop a fatal disease and die before age five?: Probably not.

…Give a close friend or family member $5,000 even though they could never pay you back and you had the money?: Yeah.

…Give a speech in front of the entire world?: Yeah.

…Eat a human heart?: Nope.

…Eat something molded?: Um, yeah?

…Play Video Games for 24 hours straight?: Probably.

III. Have you ever…
…Done something unforgivable in the eyes of society?: Not that I know of.

…Mooned someone?: No.

…Written a Love letter?: Yeah, but no one has ever seen any of them.

…Been to jail?: No.

…Had something published?: No.

…Been kicked off a website?: No.

…Said something you regret?: Yeah. And I still regret it.

…Stayed up the entire night without sleeping?: Yeah.

…Done something illegal while driving besides speeding?: Yeah.

…Been in a car accident?: Yeah.

…Done something you regret with all your heart?: Yeah. :(

…Done something worthy of the death penalty?: No.

…Ran away from something?: Yeah.

…Jumped out a window?: No.

IV. Which is worse…
…Dying alone or dying in pain?: Dying alone.

…Being rejected or being betrayed?: Being betrayed.

…Being in a car crash or choking?: Choking.

…Waiting fifty years for someone and seeing them afterwards or seeing someone for five years and never again?: Seeing someone for five years and never again.

…Losing your prized posession or five posessions?: Losing my prized possession.

…Being on an island for ten years, or realizing you were only five miles from a major country?: Realizing I was only five miles away from a major country.

…Being Deaf or Blind?: Being blind. I coudn't listen to music if I was deaf.

…Breaking your arm or your leg?: Breaking a leg.

…Having a cold or a headache?: Having a headache, especially a migraine.

…Upset stomach or throwing up?: Upset stomach, because you can't do anything about it.

…Burning alive or drowning?: Drowning.

…Lost in the woods or losing your family in the mall?: Lost in the woods.

…Losing your greatest writing or your greatest artwork?: Losing a writing.

…Losing all your teeth or all your fingers?: Fingers, because they make false teeth.

V. Take a risk…have you ever...
…Proclaimed your love?: Yeah.

…Waited till the last minute to complete something?: Duh, I'm a master at procrastination.

…Asked your dream guy/girl out?: No.

…Said something honest but stupid?: Yeah.

…Told someone a secret?: Yeah, not a very important secret.

…Decided to live on your own?: No.

…Paid money to enter a risky contest?: No.

…Tried out for a sport?: Yeah, lacrosse.

…Been through a shady alley/place?: Yeah.

…Been through a grave yard late at night?:

…Drove for ten hours straight?: Not me personally, but my family to Florida.

…Didn’t wear a seatbelt with a police officer nearby?: Yeah.

…Called the police?: No.

…Did something illegal?: Yeah
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