Jun 17, 2006 18:19

Yea, it's been awhile.
Sooo, I'm currently taking summerschool! 2classes though. BUEC232 and BUS237. They're both curved :| which is bad cause they're supposedly easy classes too.

I hope I make it into business by the end of second year or else I wouldn't know what to do since I'm currently taking all the lower division courses.

People look at the business avg to get in and they say it's easy to do it just cause it's 2.83 but the truth is, it aint
You know why? It's cause every business class is curved. You're competing against people who have already made it into business, people who are damn smart. Secondly, some of the business classes are really hard! Thirdly, the curve is there to screw you over, it doesn't help, although I thought so in first semester. The curve somehow evens out and you get the mark that corresponds to the letter grade or lower anyways.

So, midterms are coming up. Well one down yesterday and one coming up the next week.
For the last midterm I had really high hopes. I was hoping to get at least a 90% hah, but I made SO many stupid mistakes >.< arrrrrgh. There goes like 2 letter grades since the avg for the midterm last semester was 74% and it's a curved class. oiii

--Oh, I'm planning to go to a tanning salon this monday to get a tann, it's my first time and I don't know what to expect so people, if you have any suggestions or cautions I should take, please feel free to comment, hah.
And, there are so many tanning packages and they sound kinda scary.."the Xcelerator" or "The Super Bed 160Watts"...they're kinda scary =/

summertimee comin' and I want to go to playland!

--I'm going to The Nam (Vietnam) in January2007 =) Spring2007 NO SCHOOL! 5months vacation here I come ;)

tata, kevin's here!
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