Aug 04, 2005 10:06
Yeah so school starts in like what 3 days... WTF happened to the summer???? hahahah this summer was awsome besides certain parts of it..... I have learned a lot this summer weather I like it or not... I have learned who my real friends are.... what its like to have a lot of fun..... UGh just too much I loved it though..... I'ma miss it all when school starts even though I really shouldn't. But I thought this summer was going to suck the worst but I was wrong the whole time I loved it I loved hanging out with Jisaura and her crazy music that I am now hooked on lol ...... this summer was insane and now that school is starting I have to clam down and just lay back and start applying for collages and crap and get my life together which isn't going to be easy.... But I can do it..... I'm kinda dissapointed I didn't move to Alabama like planned but then again I'm so happy to be in Sarasota my whole life is here weather I like it or not... well yeah for those who don't know I cut all my hair off and it is now brown.... and today it'll have red highlights....