I dont know why this feeling hit me all of a sudden. Just over all feeling bad about myself. I dont have too much going for me right now..I have a lame ass job..im not in school..going no where.
remeber a few weeks ago when you felt this way? and then the next day you told me you had been thinking about things, and you were able to figure out that you do have things going for you. you decided to have a positive outlook on things. i remembered what you said. you have a place to live in, you have a car you dont have to pay for, your option of going back to school is still there. and yeah man you got a job. youre doing SOMETHING. maybe thats not what you WANT to be doing right now. but that doenst mean you are stuck with it. ive told you that you deserve whatever IT IS you want to be happy. you just cant give up. if you get in a rut of not doing anything, its only going to escelate. just do the best you can do at the job you have now. continue looking for something else. dont think its too late for school. dont give up on it. tell your mom that its really important to you that be able to go back. things arent THAT bad off. alot of people have it a hell of lot worse than you.
i love you baby. and you do have something at least. you have me. and ill always be there for you.
i love you baby. and you do have something at least. you have me. and ill always be there for you.
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