Feb 15, 2009 17:26

Katsucon was, on the whole, totally awesome. HOWEVER.

My phone is broken. It went for a swim in my purse on Saturday around 2pm and has not yet recovered (if it ever will - I'm shopping for a new one presently). If you have tried to get in touch with me by phone this weekend I did NOT get your message. If you need to get in touch please do so by email (oneautumnday at gmail) or on this journal! I hope to have a new phone by the end of the week and, ideally, my old sim card will transfer over and I won't need anyone's number again.

BACK TO THE ACTION. My goal for Katsu was to avoid stress and do only things that are fun. I think I only had about 5% un-fun the whole weekend so that went well! I wish our Soul Eater group could have been whole for more than, like, 3 minutes but there were rehearsals to be had and chumps to act like! But still, I bet lionboogy got some AMAZING shots (I think he had to try hard not to rub himself up against the camera a few times) and I just loved working with him! he's hands-down my favorite con photographer to shoot with (although I just met Leonard and he is also a doll!)

I was SO unhappy with my Black Blood Maka dress that I just didn't stay in it very long (if you consider 4+ hours not very long). I think it LOOKED fine but I know all the things I cut corners on and it bugged me to no end.

Panel went well, drinking went well, spent very little money (with a few non-con related exceptions). I got to meet/see so many people this weekend. I went to about a bazillion room/bar parties but still wish I had been to about 12 more. There just isn't enough time!

Oh yeah. And my car got towed. Awesome. I owe rspeed big time for going SO out of his way to get me to my car/the impound lot. I'm really just mad/upset because I did bring it on myself. I would have been so totally screwed if he hadn't been there to help me out. I'mma bake you something!

I want to go to yoga tonight to de-stress but there are no Sunday evening classes. I suppose it'll have to wait until sometime tomorrow morning.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's Katsu. I think. I'm too tired to be sure and I need to take my Baking/Pastry midterm now. Go go go!

life, car, nerdity, friends, cons, cosplay

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