You are not getting a big fat AUSA block of text from me. You are getting:
1. A
photo taken by Ollie of me in my Haruhi costume with an awesome prop-wielding Mikuru we found.
2. The knowledge that while AUSA itself was a sub-par con programming-wise, I really had a lot of fun sitting on the floor by the entrance doors, waiting for Lionel. No, seriously. That was the good times.
More news? It's good, I swear. I saw the orthopoedic surgeon today and he said without hesitation, "yeah, sure, let's go with surgery. I operate on Tuesdays; you want to come in next week?"
I.... wait, what? Did you just say "next week"?
That he did. I can have the tendon sheath of my right wrist opened up (this is really a good thing, I promise) basically ASAP. The only thing to wait for is the JLPT (Japanese exam) that I'm taking December 2nd.
So I'm having the operation on December 4th. Easy as pie. Well, except that, generally, pie does not cause you to have to wear an immobilizing brace for a full month of recovery. But I sort of figured on that, rather than pie.
But I'll take both.