My Japan 2007 photoset on
Flickr is at 397 photos and going strong! The most recent additions are from Himeji Castle (Himeji) and Nijo Castle (Kyoto). I also attended Takatsuki Jazz Street on Friday but failed utterly to take any photos, which is a shame! I had a great time but I was sort of exhausted from too much walking and too much sun and too much being hit on by the totally batshit crazy girl from New York.
I had a great time overall for this Golden Week, though I sort of wish I had maybe rested a little more! I spent most of yesterday playing Zelda in my pajamas, though, so I'd call that a success. I also worked out a little to my lame-o bellydance DVDs but that's not what you're here to see, AM I RITE?
Here's the photo highlights, and once again, all of the photos I took from Golden Week
That top left photo is sort of special to me. It's the tea set used in one of two sencha ceremonies I attended at Nijo Castle. I was invited by Lisa (another ECC teacher) who was invited by a Japanese friend of hers, Misaka. Misaka had gotten us tickets c/o her really freaking old grandfather, who was helping to organize the tea ceremony festival. Now, we were the only foreigners there and, as Misaka's grandfather noted, the only ones who had ever been to this tea ceremony festival. Super lucky, right? It felt really cool to get to participate in something so special in addition to which, I got to eat some fabulous okashi (Japanese sweets). Of course, my feet hurt like ANYTHING.
Have you ever kneeled for 30 minutes straight? No? I DON'T RECOMMEND IT.