May 01, 2009 21:19

OOC Information:
Name: Jabi
Age: 22
AIM: BananaJabi
Y!M: OChBChan2
E-MAIL: OChBChan2@yahoo.com

IC Information:
Name: Kazuhiko Yukimi
Fandom: Nabari no Ou
Timeline: Chapter 50, before his memory is erased, after he loses his arm.

Appearance: Yukimi is around five feet, nine inches tall. He is about one-hundred and fifty pounds, fairly built, but not overly muscular. He has a mostly squared jaw and he can grow stubble from time to time. He has a mussy head of blonde hair and bright blue eyes that have a much different look than normal. When he dresses normally, he has a varying style. When sitting around, he's happy to wear a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When out and about, he wears varying layers of button up shirts and zip-up sweaters. He is almost always wearing a different sort of headband, usually black with a different design embroidered into each one of them. He can also dress nicely when he needs to, though he can still manage to make that look unruly. A plain colored suit with a plain colored tie loosely worn around his neck. He normally wears boots with his normal outfits and prefers to sit around in socks at home.

Abilities: He mas minor ninja skills, smoke bombs and such. Nothing special. No gained abilities.

Personality: Yukimi is a rough around the edges kind of guy, but he has a softer side to him as well. He's childish and is usually asked "are you an elementary student?" on occasion. He has a short fuse and will snap if someone says something at his expense. He can be loud and obnoxious at times, especially if he had been drinking. He has a general dislike for younger children and can't stand to be around them for long periods of time. He is untidy, but claims his messes are organized. He procrastinates on his work and can be found rushing his deadlines. He's very cocky and boastful. His softer side comes out a lot more than he would like to admit. He is very caring to those he is close to, like his sister and Yoite. He is an open cat lover and avid baseball fan, as well. Despite his tough personality, he knows his place in the world and won't step out of line if he knows it will end badly. He is very reliant with technology. He's great at multitasking and can be a good listener when he wants to be. He doesn't care much about his personal appearance, but will get a twitch if someone insults him.

History: Kazuhiko Yukimi's a 27 year old that has a younger sister named Kazuho and both lived with their parents. Their father was an abusive alcoholic and seemed to take his misplaced anger out on his kids. They learned to rely on each other from a young age. When their Mother got tired of the abuse, she left the family and the kids behind. Their father tried to take his anger out on them, but Yukimi interfered, taking most of the blow. He received scratch marks into his skin from the fight and they later became a scar he carried for the rest of his life. A neighbor heard the commotion and called the cops, their Father going to jail for the mistreatment of his kids. The children ran off before they could be separated by going into separate foster homes or an orphanage.

They lived on the streets for some time, until a kind man named Tojuro Hattori found them and took them in as his own. He paid their way through schooling, where Kazuho got her license in the medical world and became Yoite's family physician. Yukimi was placed in charge of a sub-ninja unit called Suiko-han, where he'd act as the leader on field missions in the world of Nabari. In the front world, or normal world, he's a writer that also occasionally takes photographs for his articles. When Yoite was put under his care, Yukimi wasn't sure how to act around "the brat" as he affectionately called him, before giving him the name "Yoite". It was the name of a cat he used to have growing up. Once Yoite learned the Kira kinjitsu, they became partners in the world of Nabari and had been together ever since. They have their disagreements over tactics, since Yoite prefers to work alone, but it only shows that underneath the surface, Yukimi really cares.

He cared about Yoite enough to hunt down his half-brother Tsukasa when Yoite's time was about ready to end. He even went against Hattori, his surrogate father figure, denouncing Kairoshuu's teaching in order to pursue Yoite once he and Miharu were on the run from Kasa. It strained his relationship with Raikou Shimizu and Gau, the members of the assassination squad Wakachi and affected Kazuho's faith in Kairoshuu as well. In short, a chain of events happened once Yukimi crossed the line, in order to protect Yoite to the best of his advantage. Yukimi never regretted his decision and was able to be there for Yoite, protecting him against Kasa the best to his abilities. In the fight with one of the Kasa ninjas, he lost his arm and after Yoite died, continued living on as a writer with Rokujo Miharu taking the photographs for his articles.

Overall Info Rating: G - NC17.
Death: Discuss beforehand please.
Smut: Only with a plot.
Yaoi - Het - Yuri: Het or Yaoi



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