The Player
Player Name: Lady Vincira
Age: 23
LJ: oldsoulai
AIM / MSN / Y!M: AIM - StillAliveGlaDOS
Other Characters: None!
The Character
Character Name: The Twin
Fandom: The Devil's Carnival
Canon Point: End of the movie.
Age: Age has no meaning or relevance in Hell - but he seems to have died in his mid-to-late 30s.
The Twin Twin is lanky, with a slim build, and he stands at fair height. His hair is oily and black, hanging to his chin in straight tendrils. For clothing, he wears a garish red suit, tattered and adorned with random bits and bobs; a very tall black tophat rests atop his head. This would all perhaps make him look a bit sketchy to begin with, but there's one little detail that cements the fact -
He is literally a snake man, skin green and scaly, eyes yellow, and tongue black and forked.
Abilities / Powers: The Twin's primary ability is also his cross to bear - his powers of duplicity. Upon meeting a person, the Twin is able to change his form to match their appearance and voice. Generally, he can skim at least emotions and personality from them in this state, but if circumstances are correct, he can go deeper and very deeply empathize with them as a person. If they have powers of their own, he cannot imitate those. (This will all depend on permissions and anything deeper than an appearance shift and basic surface personality mimicry, like a caricature, can be blocked no problem. Furthermore, if Twin tries to mimic a monster, it will hurt him terribly - and to fully mimic the insane would render Twin insane as well, potentially even after he returns to his own form.)
Besides his supernatural abilities, the Twin is also a decent toss/marksman, as he's gotten good at his own target games. He's also sly, cunning, and a fast-talker when he needs to be.
Inventory: Twin is a carnie and a kleptomaniac, so most of what he has on him were meant to be shiny prizes for the booth. The largest item is a cane, but otherwise, he has on his person (besides his clothing):
A gemmed flask filled with whiskey, a nutcracker, a set of jacks, a pouch full of gold coins, a few loose gemstones (precious and semi-precious), a switch-blade knife, a number of valuable rings, a wallet full of credit cards, money, and personal photos (that are not his), a couple of small stuffed animals, an old, faded Carnival ticket, and a handful of tiny glass animal figurines.
Personality: In spite of being a worker in Lucifer's Carnival, Twin is actually a remarkably amiable fellow. If he's not been sent against you by "the bossssssss," he generally has no problem with anyone, and while he can be a bit of a prankster, he also generally avoids heavy confrontation. His station and the nature of his abilities have meant that while his past and true face have been taken from him, the brunt of his humanity has not been. Having been made to deeply mimic the people who went through the Carnival, he had to take on (for at least a time) all their guilt and sin, making him, in a way, tear himself apart every time one of them failed at his trial.
Twin might be a bit skeevy when he's conning someone, but he's actually a very polite and well-mannered fellow socially. He has a hard time of things, looking the way he does - even at the Carnival, he's made fun of for being too sympathetic, an outcast between the world of the victims and the world of the carnies - but he does the best he can, and he tends to downplay his own emotions, just to make it easier and make himself less of a target.
((Everything from here down is headcanon, as he isn't in his canon very much.))
He can be a bit of a kleptomaniac, which has gotten him into trouble in the past and doesn't hash too well with his unwillingness to get into fights. It's likely that he had this problem before when he was alive, and perhaps that was why he got himself into this mess in the first place...but he can't remember, and he tries not to worry about it. When put into a situation where he DOES have to fight, however, his go-to tactic is to get into the head of his opponent and psych them out, making them face themselves instead of him. For most, the surreality of it all is enough to make them want to walk away.
If you give the Twin any sort of alcohol, you're going to wind up with a drunk Twin in half a glass. He's got little to no tolerance for drinking, perhaps partly as punishment for drinking too heavily while he was alive. While drunk, the Twin is silly, clumsy, and cannot hold another person's form with any stability whatsoever. Recreation for him, therefore, is usually done sober...he likes to read, and horror stories are a favorite of his.
Given that he is, technically, a denizen of Hell, he's really not that easy to scare via words or intimidation. Confrontation makes him uncomfortable, but he only really gets frightened in a fight if the other party does not back down after he's pulled out his tricks. He does his best to slither out of harm's way, thank you very much, and he's definitely had his share of emotional pain; he would rather avoid physical pain if he can help it, because his threshold for it leaves...something to be desired. Also, though he's spent a lot of time alone, being TRULY isolated in any way actually scares him - you can't be a Twin to anyone if you're completely alone. Being locked into a room or building on his own for more than an hour or two would be enough to reduce him to tears.
History: - ((There's the whole of the movie summary. I will outline just Twin's lot here for simplicity. Anything beyond what is mentioned on the Wiki, however, is from interviews with the actor/writer.))
Twin can't remember who he was before he was at the Carnival. He doesn't really know how long he's been there, either, since time in Hell is a murky concept when there doesn't seem to be any morning. He knows he must have been there for a long time, and he knows he must have committed some awful sins when he was alive...but that's about it. For the most part, he just went along with whatever he was asked to do, running his booth and dealing with the sinners.
When he was called to action to deal with Merrywood, it was just another job. He was always glad to pull his weight, to get to play...but he knew it was going to be a double-edged sword. It always was, when he had to take someone else's form. He knew it was going to hurt, but that was just what he was going to have to deal with again.
He watched as she made her way through the Carnival, lurked and paid attention as she was led to his game...and then finally the moment of truth. He had a huge diamond, and she wanted to win it. He was sympathetic to the way the Tamer had picked on her...but the moment she was in his clutches, he sprang into action, taking her form and putting her in a position where she was facing herself and her own greed. He gave her a number of coins, and he held out a bowl made from a giant egg. If she could land the coin in the egg, she would win the giant diamond...if she couldn't, he warned her that "Shadow takes all." She balked at first, but then gave in to her greed, and threw coin after coin. Each time she missed, a piece of her jewelry or an article of clothing was taken from her...right down until she was naked, there was nothing left to take, and she was dragged away.
When the other carnies got together to 'celebrate' Twin's victory, the Tamer whipped Merrywood like an animal, and Twin just watched. He felt badly about it...because he knew exactly where she was coming from, he understood her.
But it was his job.
And thus he went back about his business...until the day he found himself suddenly somewhere very, very different.
First Person Sample:
They're even talking about this game! Third Person
Being in-between jobs was always just such a boring time. It might not be so bad if the other carnies were a bit...warmer to him, perhaps. If they would joke around with him like they did with everyone else, even pull a few punches and make the teasing just a little better mannered. He knew it wasn't going to happen, of course. This was Hell. People weren't here to be nice, and those who had been here as long as most of them had were more or less lost to the chaos of it all, anyhow. The fact that he wasn't was a big part of the problem, really.
It was both a blessing and a curse. Everything about him was. He had no sense of self, but he could take everyone else's. He could relate to others better than just about anyone else could, but no one could relate to him.
And so they mostly just left him alone, sitting at his booth, polishing gems and watching the others walk by. It was boring, but sometimes he figured it was better than the alternatives anyway. After all, when he was working, it was something he could do - but it was also painful, so painful to bear the sin and the sadness and the pain; when he wasn't working but he was among the others, he was a pariah, he was an outcast, he was 'too human' for actually hoping the sinners might make it through one day.
Someone approached the booth. Not a carnie, not yet, but one of the lost souls who would become one soon enough. He put on his best smile and gestured to his booth with a flourish.
"Welcome, welcome! While you're here, why not play a game? Sssssssssssstep right up...what harm could it do?"
To you...or to me?
Other: Thanks for being patient with my questions and for making this RP. Seriously, this game is just perfect!