Dec 15, 2005 20:08
Wow, I look back on this year with awe, a little anger, and a bit of sadness inside...
a year ago I was working for Eckerd, owned a 1987 silver Honda Accord, was dating Jess, and getting ready for our flight to Sumter, S.C., I still have pics of her and her fam I want to give, but not sure they will be received well.
2 years ago, I was trying to save my relationship with Melissa in Pa, and getting ready to see her in January...this year, I'm invited to the family Christmas eve party, which is rad, I'm the only non-family member invited, so I feel special...
I saw Becca and Drew recently, had a little chat, I miss them, have to chill soon!!
I know my Christmas gifts from Kelly, and she knows hers, eh, it works, plus I get to play Mario Party 7 with Joe, and Kelly later tonight, whooooo!!! (yes, I play with my gift a little early, lol...
I wanna go to the city for New Years, but I doubt it's happening, with my water pump and all, but Jones Beach sounds good too...
I'm also getting Animal Crossing, and back into the community, hehehe...
It's been a decent week, although I'm quitting soon, going to better things, soon, I hope..
I'M IN THE SAYVILLE FIRE DEPT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hook and Ladder Co. 1
I'm so excited, this is my calling, this is what I have been waiting for, but after I think I'm ready with training, and maybe even college courses, I will head to the FDNY to be a FT paid firefighter!!
Oh, I'm back into J.E.W., they rock my socks, with such haunting melodies, and just awesomeness, I'm so happy!!