How Beautiful Love Could Be...

Jun 22, 2005 12:24

So I have been working working, working...its crazy. My social life has changed considerably. I cant compalin however.

All things are working out as far as the jobs go. lots of other changes has occured too. I was told last night that I dont know how much power I have. Baby, I do know how much I have...hopefully I wont abuse it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha

As usual, I stick to what I know. And what I know is that I can count on my Nancy, Tiana, Stephanie, Jen, and Julie. Tiana is truly much similar to Rachel in how I am truly blessed to have her in my life. Damn stuff just happens so quick and then I'm swept off my feet with just how I can trust someone. Of course I miss my Rachel and love her lots, but like me she works so much and its truly depressing without her.

Tiana is my pillar my anchor....always been close, but damn sure not this close..."you too close, man!!" The love I have for her is completely different and its something when Rachel noticed it a long time ago...Damn she is good!!!

Now Nancy, I have known since I started working here at SXU and stuff, and she has been my caring love forever. Neve rliking it when someone is mean to me. My true whisperer in my ear. Through either email, or face to face up in my face....she has cared and never has gotten out of line with me nor I her. She is one of the cheif reasons why when I graduate that I'll come up to this stinkpot. People can say what they want about Tiana, Rachel or Nancy...none will bring mess to they face and man up or be a woman up. It is just how it goes....tough mamas....just like my lovely Angelina. Who rocks my socks because she is just growing up everyday and I thank God that she is healthy and smiling everytime I see her. I love you Angelina.

Sadly Jen is MIA....all the time, but she has been friend and confidant of years.

I saw Julie the other day, it was great after her unfortunate events. As usuall her company is good, and if I allow her to help me with things she'll help, but thats mainly for Tiana or Rachel and sometimes has been Jen. Julie showed me some great guitar shit...remember when we went out to the park like hippies and played???

Stephanie, really really cares for me and it took alot of work cause our personalities bump heads alot. Its a wonderful when 2 ppl can rarely see eye to eye and still loe each other and not wish harm to another. I go out to see her when I can and she just doesnt set expectations (anymore) and can just appreciate me for who I am and what I do.....just like a true friend like Rachel and Tiana has been in the past.

These are my heroes!!! From them I LEARNED HOW TO HANDLE BS AND NOT GET SO OFFENDED OR HURT. Deploying all methods of years worth of friendships, I have developed a decent support group outside of my mom, and bro. These are the ppl I see daily, or even when I dont, I look forward to being around them once again. We all hate phonies and they uncover them, I just get amused. Working alot has made me appreciate some things, like my true depot friend Berto who has been the teacher and all around fun mexican of the world in depot. They might fire us!!

I still miss so many ppl though that haven't even got the chance to get the AHA Experience. Hoepfully, that'll change. Jealeous Ones Still Envy!!! J.O.S.E.

Still hooking people up with jobs and I am loving the things that are happening on my jobs. I got so many bosses that all of them dont matter to me. Depot tried last night to screw me...they failed. Like a thug slow creeping on 24's I walked outta there, did my job, might not have done everything, but I'm through with being a robocop about everything.

My the sunset on old crap in school and rise on other things...thank you bullock for opening up my eyes...him and Tiana have been my true jedi masters, but now I'm the master, and am truly bent on using the powers of the force for M.E.

Either way man things may not be where I want them to be but I CANT COMPLAIN. Thats just me, I take it in stride...funny thing about that tho is that things still are just working out for me. My kindness and aggression are working hand in hand now...and even in oakbrook...whitey still loves me. lol.
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