Bio for Fractured Rifts Verse

Feb 26, 2015 19:58

Name: Margaret Katherine Amanda Carpenter
Goes by: Molly
Nicknames: Padawan, Grasshopper, Mols
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 15th
Species: Human (Wizard)
Family: Micheal (father), Charity (mother), Daniel, Matthew, Alicia (Leech), Amanda, Hope (Hobbit) , and Harry (siblings) Carpenter.
Friends/Allys: Harry Dresden
Enemies: Too many to list.
Likes: Bright colors, combat boot, Icee, tattoos, piercings, loud music, staying out late.
Dislikes: Authority, rules and...oh...authority.

Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 138
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond, but she dyes it various candy colors. Right now it’s cotton candy pink and blue.
Left/Right/Ambi: Right for writing, Ambi for Magic
Quirks and Habits: Molly has a few nervous habits of clicking her tongue ring and tugging a her hair when she’s nervous. She also inserts a lot of ‘um’, ‘uh’ and pauses in her speaking when she’s nervous or afraid. She also wants 'Instant gratification' and often takes the easy way out of things.
General Dexterity: Molly has been described as more ‘sensitive’ magically, and the same can be said for her physical movement as well. She spent years quickly and quietly changing out of her favored goth clothes and make up and into more conservative dress without her parents being the wiser in the Carpenter family treehouse.
Mannerism: Molly is a pretty typical rebellious teenaged girl. She makes it a point to do things herself whenever possible and it often leads to her making dangerous choices. She is the oldest child in her family, and it leads to her being protective of her family and her friends. This is evident in the way she used magic to invade the minds of her friends Rosie and Nelson to try and break them of heroin addiction. She barreled ahead without help from a trained wizard like Harry and thus she broke the fourth law of Magic, thou shalt not invade the mind of another.
Defining Marks: Molly has several marks, though she was not born with them. She has multiple piercings. Two in her nose, one in her lower lip, a labret, and her left eyebrow. After she became Harry’s apprentice, all but three piercings were abandon: her tongue and her nipples. She has a tattoo on the left side of her neck in the shape of a slithering serpent, and a curved and barbed tribal design along her chest. Another design, whirling loops and spirals, covers the back of her right hand and arm.
Dress Style: Goth, goth and more goth. Molly like her clothes black and ragged with dashes of bright neon colors. After she reconciliation with her family, Molly continues to favor her more rebellious clothing, but is less extreme. She still loves black and dashes of bright colors, but she’s more covered up and colorful now.
Powers & abilities: Molly has a distinctly different type of magical prowess than her mentor. Where Harry has been called a “magical thug” Molly is more sensitive and her skills lay in defensive magic and fine control. She is able to almost effortlessly cast veils, and eventually learns to manipulate light and sound as a form of magical attack. Her most powerful battle magic is what she calls the ‘One Woman Rave’, a culmination of light, sound, distraction and invisibility that renders her nearly undetectable while impairing multiple senses of her attackers. Later, she learns to cast powerful illusions that are so convincing that often the only way to determine if they are real or not is to use the wizards ‘sight’.


Molly breaks canon a few months after she begins her training as Harry Dresden’s apprentice following the events in Proven Guilty. She was pulled from the past to the magical forest of Farlorn via a rift in time and space. Molly keeps close to canon in that she is very aware of the more magical aspects of the world, but this is the limit of her knowledge of ‘weird crap’. She doesn't know about duplicates, time travel or any of that stuff. Expect a very confused Mols.

Her magic is far less advanced than it is in full book canon. At present Molly is able to cast full veils on herself, object and other people who are in physical contact with her. Sadly, she has not learned her trademark ‘One Woman Rave’ spell, nor has she learned to cast illusions.

Like all Wizards in the Dresden Verse Mols has two aspects you should be aware of before tossing your muse at her.

One: She won't look you in the eyes unless she really means to. If you look a wizard in the eyes, you will 'Soulgaze' with them, and so Wizards don't casually do this.
Two: Magic itself has an innate power to disrupt technology in the Dresdenverse. A strong wizards' aura interferes with computers, airplane engines, and car motors, severely limiting their use of any modern/electronic gadgets. Among other things, that makes it dangerous for wizards to visit hospitals, where people are on life support. By the use of calming and centering techniques, Wizards can and do minimize the damage done to technology in their presence. NOTE: In Molly's other verse where she has been around Future Tech, such as TARDIS', it's often been played that the tech in question has been 'Magic-proofed'. If you want your muse's tech to be magic proof, great. If you want Molly haveing an emotional freak out to make it explode, also great. I'll roll with either. :D

More info on Full Canon Molly is here and here.

verse:fractured, (bio)

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