AIM Log - Harry discovers Molly, Mister and the sparkly failed love potion.

Feb 15, 2012 18:30

Harry: *ragey wizard ragey* What in all the never never did you do to my work room!!!!!

Molly: *coughs* Happy Valentine's Day?

Harry: ...This was a love potion wasn't it...

Mister: *FAILED*

Harry: You used the one with spunk didn't you...

Molly: *looks down* Depends on your definition of spunk. That would mean....enthusiasm.

Harry: Spunk seed semen essence I need to continue

Molly: Um... *shifty eyes* There was semen involved, yes.

Harry: *pokes her between the eyes* And who were you trying to ensnare?

Mister: *cough* Gee.. I wonder...

Molly: *scowl* it wasn't to ensnare it was to see if the love was reciprocated or not.

Harry: And did you read the end notes?

Molly: *more shifty eyes*

Mister: Does she ever?

Harry: The spell specifically requires the seed of the man you are making the potion for Molly

Harry: *glances at Mister* ....I'll get the mint soap and a dish pan for you Mister.

Mister: I hate you both..

Molly: Well...I couldn't get that without. *another cough* Look, I'm sorry. I'll clean it up, OK.

Harry: I didn't say I was going to wash you... Molly gets that joy. I'll take care of my work room...and molly if you ever use a love potion on me I'm sending you straight to your mother.

Molly: It wasn't a love potion! *grumbles, reaches for Mister*

Mister: *hisses and flees*

Harry: Trust me. If you got the idea from bob it was a love potion

Molly :* Head shake, hands Harry this book.*

Harry: *eyebrow twitch...if molly doesn't take the book back he will light it on fire.*

Molly: *takes it* What's wrong?

Harry: That book...just...guh

Molly: *innocent* It was on sale.

Harry: -___- *this face forever*

Molly: *thought she was being a self starter*

Harry: Next time Molly? Use one my old note books. Some of those spells are good...but a little flawed.

Molly: *nods sheepishly* I wanted... *to impress you, Harry.* I'm sorry. I'll help you clean up.

Harry: *hugs her gently.* Go clean up. Get the sparkle foam off you.

Molly: *Oh, a hug. YAY! Snuggles and sniffs him, he smells nice* Maybe I could sell it. Make some that glows in the dark, too. *smiles, still hugging.*

Harry: *laughs* Don't even. Now go...Remember exactly what you are covered in padawan.

Molly: *nose wrinkle, goes to shower...whooosh timey whimey FTW she's back* Can't you make a spell to make hot water?

Harry: Jinx is going to come tomorrow and fix it, then anti wizard it.

Molly: Jinx? *frowns*

Mister: *snickers*

Harry: Pixie friend...mister don't eat her.

Mister: Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Molly: *was jealous it might be a pretty girl for a minute there* Oh. OK. *glances at Mister* Should I give him a bath now/

Harry: If you can catch him

Mister: *wonders how Molly will react to the not-tiny pixie when she sees her* Not likely

Mister: You like your blood IN your body? Wanna keep it that way?

Molly: *glances at Harry* What do we do now?

Mister: Go to hell?

Mister: *darts off*

Harry: *chuckles* Mouse fetch Mister for me?

Mister: I will END YOU, dog.

Molly: *decides to sit on the counter so her feet are safe from fighting animals*

Harry: *long suffering sigh*

Molly: *gets a mop and bucket*

Harry: *helps her*

Molly: *trudges down the ladder and sighs* How was your Valentine's Day, Harry?

Harry: Same as usual. Chase the bad guy, thrown around

Molly: You're here...tonight. *starts mopping* No plans?

Harry: Not that john's told me

Molly: *looks hopeful* Do you want to do something? *look at that eager puppy face she's making*

verse:bump in the night, who:harry (zaa_lord), (chat log), who:mister (mister_bfc)

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